Chap 7

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On the way back from the tavern Alucards head was spinning with uncertainty. He should just let it go, it was just some crazy words of a drunkard. He glanced over his shoulder where he held Trevor's limp body. He scanned every feature on his face. The scar across his eye, the rosy cheeks from the alcohol and his lips.., he would deny this later but his eyes lingered on those lips. Suddenly they almost tripped over a rock and  Trevor's head tilted against Alucards shoulders, completely exposing his neck and arteries. His pulse so close, he could practically smell the blood flowing in him. Alucard felt alittle conflicted, there he was, defenseless and practically served to him on a silver platter. His revenge so close. The thought had his fangs itching for a bite, to taste that sweet hunters blood. It made him pant with anticipation. A sudden groan from Trevor caused Alucard to snap out of his trance. He looked up at the moon and chuckled.
"I must be losing my mind again"

When they reached the hostel Alucard tried to knock on the door, without dropping Trevor on the ground. It proved to be harder than he thought.
After a few minutes with no answer he wondered if Sypha had fallen asleep too.
Trevor started groaning and whimpering incoherent words his ear.  He had been shivering a little too, most likley from the cold he gathered. Alucard took a deep breath and supressed the urge to roll his eyes for maybe the fifth time that night.
By now he was fully prepared to just leave him outside. Until finally, Sypha sluggishly opened the door. Alucard wanted to express how annoying his night had been but seeing that she had clearly been asleep, he eased it back and just smiled at her.
"Please take him before I rip his head off"
She chuckled and helped them both inside. They layed Trevor down on the squeaky bed Sypha had been sleeping in and she rubbed her eyes in fatigue.
Alucard made his way out before Sypha stopped him on his path.
"Where are you going?" "Arent you going to sleep?"
Alucard gave her a reassuring smile.
"Truthfully I don't think I'll fall asleep anytime soon, being nocturnal and all".
Sypha gave him an unsure look. She hated herself for thinking it but maybe he did have something to do with those dead humans, where exactly does he go all night?

"Besides, with the way that bed is squeaking I'm suprised how you managed to stay asleep at all".

Sypha laughed before Trevor groaned again causing her to quiet down.
Halfway out the door Alucard waved at her.
"I'll see you in the morning Sypha"
And just like that, seeing those pure golden eyes, every doubt in Syphas mind vanished. She smiled as she waved back at him and bid him good night.

Sunlight was pouring from the window, illuminating the whole room and hitting Trevor right on the face. When he opened his eyes he saw Sypha laying next to him, head buried deep underneath the covers. The bed squeaked loudly causing Sypha to groan and flap him away. Trevor turned around and exhaled roughly. His head was pounding and the squeaks made it worse.
"If you wish to sleep more I'll happily knock you out"
The sudden voice made Trevor eyes open wide. The memories from last night hit him like a speeding horse wagon. Shit shit shit- Trevor thought.
Did he really say "I love you"? What on earth possessed him to say such a thing. And what does he think?
Just deny it ever happened, pretend that it never happened. He'll think it was meaningless drunk words that wasn't worth remembering. After all he didn't really mean it he was just drunk, right?

"That you Alucard?"
Alucard sat across the room from them, filing his nails.
"It is indeed"
Trevor chuckled a little seeing those sharp nails being filed down.
"Preparing to rip my throat out?"
At this Alucard smirked in response.
"I like to keep my options open"
Trevor smiled but quickly groaned by the pounding in his head. Alucard laughed.
"You sure enjoyed yourself last night"
Trevor huffed. If he were to stand now surley he would throw up.
"Can't say, I don't remember anything"
Alucard didn't response, instead he kept his eyes on his nails.
"How did I get here?"
Alucard sighed, "I carried you"
Trevor looked confused, he genuinely couldn't remember that part.
"So like bridal style or..?"
Alucard smiled - "You wish"
Trevor had missed this, them talking like this.
"Well, thank you"  - Alucard didn't say anything, he merely looked Trevor's way in acknowledgment before going back to filing his nails. Trevor noticed how tired he looked. It wasn't as bad as that time, god knows he'll never forget how he looked back then, but he did look a little ashen.
"Did you sleep at all?"
Alucard gave him a dirty look.
"Preparing another attempt on my life already Belmont?"
Trevor huffed, the reminder felt like a growing knot in his stomach.
"You just look tired that's all"
A few seconds go by with no response. Trevor almost fell back asleep before Alucard spoke again.
"It's hard for me to sleep at night"
Why had Trevor never realized that. Now that he thought about it, Alucard  did move slower during the day compared to at night, and vampires are nocturnal. Had he assumed because he's part human, or had he never bothered thinking about it all at. He felt a bit stupid that he didn't realize it sooner.

"Well you could sleep now" "I'm sure as hell not doing anything else today".
Alucard seemed to consider this, he was pretty tired. Trevor was clearly fighting to stay awake himself.
"Please rest" -He mumbled, almost asleep before a loud squeak stirred him awake again.
Suddenly Alucards heart felt warm. He didn't dare trust it though. He had once, and it nearly cost him his life. Was he being genuine? Could he really trust him again? He wanted to. Far more than he wished.
"This bed is horrible" Trevor groaned some more.
"Then sleep on the floor"
Trevor sluggishly crawled down to the floor and rolled his way over with a blanket wrapped around him. Alucard pulled his legs up to the chair when he got closer and couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked.
"Not so loud- Sleep"  He groaned.
Alucard couldn't figure him out, one second he's trying to kill him next he cares. Maybe he suffered from brain damage, it wouldn't really suprise him but resting was too appealing to pass. He closed his eyes too and soon enough they both drifted off into sleep.

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