● chapter 6. ○

Start from the beginning

"What did you want me to do? Use my X-ray vision to spot the pervert following me and beat their ass?" The (h/c) boy asked, failing to meet anyone's eye.

"Well, first of all, totally not how X-ray vision works, and second of all, yeah! Beat the fucker!" Erin said, as if it were simple. Maybe it was. I don't know.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm weak as shit, but thanks," Y/n nodded, looking to Erin before immediately looking away. He felt a certain shame, not for being unable to defend himself against this guy, (which was embarrassing in its own way) but for what he was keeping from the brunet.

"Yeah, but you know who isn't weak as shit?" Hannah chimed in.

Everyone except for Ezra and Teagan, who were absorbed in a conversation that the group was better off not hearing, looked to Hannah for an answer.

"Akari fucking Toma. Holy shit, chance of a lifetime, blown. Should've got her number," Hannah said dreamily, pointing at Y/n.

"Oh, fuck that, Y/n would not be able to handle a Toma, for fucks sake. Would show better results making a toddler and John Cena duke it out in the ring," Erin said, and, geez, he wouldn't admit it but that hurt like a bitch to Y/n's already small ego.

"Not for him, dumbass, for me." Hannah pointed to herself next, grinning.

Y/n couldn't help but zone out as Hannah and Erin argued for a bit, knowing there wasn't an excuse for him to get out of it this time. He had to tell Erin. He couldn't just let it simmer in his own head till he was eventually kidnapped and killed by The Swine. Someone had to know.

So, he waited till Erin was silent again and grabbed his forearm to get his attention.

"And there was something else," He decided on saying abruptly, gnawing on the inside of his cheek uncertainly.

Erin's eyebrows furrowed and Y/n swallowed at the unspoken question. He glanced to the side, gesturing to the others at the table with his eyes. He couldn't admit this in front of a large group. Not where there'd be questions that Y/n knew he couldn't answer.

Y/n had barely looked back at the brown-haired boy when suddenly he was pulled into a standing position and Erin was waving off the questions that flew their way the moment the movement was made. Y/n was pulled into the hallway without a moment to think.

"Something else?" Erin finally asked, leaning against the brick of the wall. The (h/c) boy found himself unable to meet his eyes again.

"Uhm, I mean, it was more like someone else, I guess," Y/n tried to beat around the bush, because he knew for certain that someone like Erin was not going to take any danger toward a friend lightly.

And while Y/n's self-doubt wouldn't let him admit it, that was especially the case with him.

"God, don't tell me," Erin exhaled, and upon noticing Y/n's pause, he quickly said: "No, do. Just... god, are you about to say what I think you're going to say?"

"Uh, well, so you know the killer going around? He sort of, uhm, broke into my apartment." Y/n's voice died down each word. Why he was so nervous about admitting this to Erin of all people was beyond him.

The look of shock that distorted Erin's features confirmed that that was definitely not what he thought Y/n was going to say.

"What the fuck? And when did this happen?" Erin asked, his eyebrows furrowing further. Y/n, reflexively, grabbed his shoulder gently, because he knew...

"Monday," He whispered, trying to keep both himself and Erin calm.

"Okay. Wow. Fuck, uhm. Okay, so about moving in..?" Erin said, and he himself was trying to overcome his obvious alarm.

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