•'¯'•» Gatherings »•'¯'•

70 7 2

Chapter since May 30th? Indeed.

I guess I should stay a little consistent with the 'aesthetic' titles.

╰・✄ ╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸꒰♡꒱・

•'¯'•» 𝒢𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 - 𝒫𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒶 »•'¯'•

"Oh Prussia, you look dreadfully miserable!"

"I am," Prussia moaned. "And I forgot your name too."

"Dreadfully slow as well..." Bohemia mumbled, a little tipsy with anger. "I hoped Austria could just take me a bit more seriously. Those conservative arses."


"Oh, should I repeat myself? Those Catholics!" Bohemia groaned, her face in her hands, "Religious freedom? Where is the religious freedom?"

Prussia awkwardly swung his legs around. A bit of time passed, and he seemed to have sat in the gardens. He couldn't exactly remember who met who first... but they seemed to have absolutely everything in common.

There was only one glass table and wooden bench - and Bohemia had annexed both. Prussia sat on the wall, disregarded.

"You know Saxony... I think it's time we act, you and your... friend," Bohemia continued. "It is thirty past."

"I think he's Catholic though," Saxony mumbled, his eyes darted to Prussia. "Don't be daft. My 'friend' dislikes the Protestants just as much as you dislike Austria."

They were all tired in their respective ways. Saxony, physically. Prussia, out of this reality. Bohemia, mentally.

"This world is simply out of order! Cannot even respect another country's land and people," Bohemia hissed, her words seemed to slur more together the longer she chattered on. She readjusted the patch covering her left eye - Prussia glanced in interest.

"Bohemia. That's the name flying out of your tiny brain," she said. "And this?" - she pointed to the patch - "only a scratch."

"How did you get it?"

"It was scratched."

Little you would expect. She wasn't the one to tell a tragic tale.

"We might share a common dislike towards Austria or the Holy Roman Empire - but those are forces out of our influence. As much as they would like us to partake in elections, a little paper in a box wouldn't do much," Saxony muttered, his head resting on the opposite curve of the glass table. His eyes stayed closed.

It was dark as expected. The only things emitting light were the candle-lit lanterns hanging overhead, and the brightness of the main hall oozing through the glass double doors. The air was dry and the silence between lines only outcries powerless.

"I am leaving straight home after this. I won't be taking part in another hunt when states are out to capture their adversaries than actual animals..." Bohemia said a few slow heartbeats later. "You're unlucky. You only just arrived and are bound to your superior."

She giggled a bit, but it was clear she was very much drowned in the same wine bottle she drank every third syllable.

"You should get a room. Otherwise with your state you'd crash your carriage even if you aren't the one whipping the horses," the other added ironically. He was deep into his sleep, despite his random delayed comments from time to time.

A section of musical silence hit again. Prussia wasn't too sure if he should've been listening to their formal gossip. He stared wordlessly at the stone ground. Everyone heard the deep laughter and chuckles from the hall echoing out to the gardens. Whether all three of them wished it could've been them - unknown.


Prussia perked his head up to the two sitting by the glass table. Saxony lifted his head slowly from the table, rubbing his eyes like they were glued together.

"The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth despises you and your father," he uttered through his yawn. "I will just say, I don't want to involve myself in another stupid dispute. So tell your father to calm down with the rubbish he's doing."

Prussia was not one to be familiar with politics and current contemporary disputes. He was simply too young and unimportant. Though he did wonder what all the difficulty and hate was from... after all, not everyone was perfect. Yet, his father did seem perfect. To him.

He looked blankly at Saxony before turning back around in thought. Purpose wavers around above his head. He could hear Saxony drop his head back down on the table - and nothing else was said.

Ultimately, Prussia decided to leave. He began to notice the smell of the grapes a lot more clearly, he'll never get use to it.

While walking back deep into the crowd, he pinched himself because of it. Shouldn't have ran, should've stood your ground. More because the thought of man with the red eagle simply embarrassed him. It's fine. Prussia will never see him again if he's cautious enough.

So, naturally, he was always on the lookout for him to ultimately avoid seeing him...

The previous presence of Saxony only meant Poland-Lithuania was now present. Though, Prussia saw no distinct sign of the man. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth isn't hard to notice after all... grandiose wings and all that glory.

He weaved in and out of all the people, his sight only being blocked by heads and shoulders. Part of him wished he should've stayed outside.

"You look extremely distressed."

Prussia recoiled at the voice.

"Lost?" he chuckled, "lot's of people isn't it? Rich countries to be exact. But... since England and France decided go frolicking..."

"I... I'm not too sure what I'm exactly looking for..." Prussia mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Netherlands, darling," he articulated, he extended a hand of gold bracelets and heavy rings. "Where did you come from?"

"The courtyard, gardens..." Prussia said, "I'm attempting to find someone I already know."

The Netherlands made a hum of thought, fiddling with his own puffy hair which was most likely a wig, Prussia guessed.

"Ah! As in you walked to here from the courtyard... I was wondering what part of the world was nicknamed those odd words," he laughed, and coughed into a convenient napkin enclosed in his left hand. "Oh dear, well, I wish you luck, dear. The Netherlands will be attending to other businesses that won't involve other no names."

He rested his decorated hand up near his face. The Netherlands seemed to enjoy flaunting his wealth more than the Holy Roman Empire...

Prussia expected him to sign off and leave, but he simply stayed humming and looking off in the distance like some man with a main character complex.

"Alright..." he sighed, "well, tell me your name then? If you wanted me here so badly."


"Alright. I will admit..." the Netherlands began before allow Prussia to speak. "Perhaps I just may be a little arrogant, but I guess people have a hard time accepting that!"

He continued... "Let me put my brain to work... You are young, your flag looks like an awful art restoration and your hair is beautifully real. Are you, by any chance, Baltic?"


"Oh hold on! I know I'm close alright..." he placed his fingers over his own lips, the ornate jewellery tinkled together with every consecutive movement he made with his wrists. "Are you-"

It was in that time frame, something had caught Prussia's eye quite eventfully...

"- The Teutonic Order. Do you happen to be related to him?"

╰・✄ ╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸╸꒰♡꒱・

Sigh, I wonder whether I might be making him clash into too many characters...

Vote if you liked it, it'll be greatly appreciated <3

Reformation •» Brandenburg / Prussia (Countryhumans) »•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang