06| Stunned

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Baicao also changed herself look more than before life she used to live normal before but now she lives the way she wanted and it's all are just because of her hardwork and she feels proud on herself and it's enough for her but inside she is missing something too she is remembering these peoples who was closed to her before but where are they she don't know

Like ruobai, Chuyan, tinghao and that changan too 😑 and she always thought now she can't see ruobai but she is unknown about this truth that he is alive and when she will know this truth then don't know what will she react and what will she do

Now she has feelings for tinghao too but still she doesn't wanted to accepted because still she didn't wanted to go in any relationship because of ruobai, he was her first love that's why it's hard for her to forget him so easily but right now which feeling is inside her she can't ignore these feelings too and now she is confused between her mind and heart again but this she doesn't wanted to take any decision and her next move is to take a part in International youth competition because she already won in National youth competition and now she is preparing herself for her upcoming competition and she has only some months to prepare herself perfectly to take a part on that youth competition

At Songbai Hall

Baicao was doing her practice and then Xiaoying and guangya both comes there and baicao stops and they looks at each other

"Why you both are late" Baicao asked

"Sorry" Both guangya and Xiaoying said together while making cute facial expressions and baicao gets smile

"Hmm...you both has too many tricks to make me smile and escape from me" baicao said

"Yes..., well, baicao yesterday you said that you wanted to go America to meet with senior tingy" Xiaoying asked

"Yeah baicao, what you decide" guangya asked

"I'm just waiting for senior Tinghao's order, I mean.., I have to go there to meet with tingy because wants me there and I said yes to her but I don't know if senior tinghao gets angry then..., that's why I told her to ask with senior tinghao if he said yes then I'll go otherwise I can't go" Baicao said and she wanted to go there to meet with tingy but specially she wanted to see tinghao more than tingy that's why she is excited to go America and she is just waiting for Tinghao's order but she is expecting that he will surely said no, but let's see...

At America

Tinghao and tingy both are inside the room and doing conversation about baicao

"Brother please gave me permission, please" Tingy said while making her facial expressions innocent yet cute which tinghao can't ignore

"Okay you can call that girl here" He gaves her permission and leaves and tingy gets happy

"Yes..., now I should call baicao she will be happy too" She said to herself in joy and then she calls baicao through her phone

Soon baicao recieve the call and she was laying on the bed and she pickup the call

"Hello baicao, I have a good news for you, you know brother is ready, he said yes, now you can come here" Tingy said in joy and baicao also gets happy after hearing this

She gets stand and in excitement she jumps from the bed

"Are you saying right" Baicao asked happily yet excitedly


"Yehh...." Baicao enjoy while jumping and then she stops

"I'm very excited but how he convence" Baicao asked

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