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Soon Sam reaches near a building which is fang enterprises and he looks at the whole building and he removes his sunglasses and his eyes was shining already and a smile on his lips too

"Finally I'm here to meet the great champion and businessman fang tinghao" He said to himself and went inside

On the other side, Baicao is doing practice as well as she used to do regularly and now her skills gets more improve and soon she gets stops and gets bit tired because she was doing practice continuously and then she went to near the bench and sits and then she took her hankey and starts cleaning her face and while wiping her face she suddenly remembered about tinghao which takes her into flashback she spend with tinghao when he was her good friend and a sweet smile comes to her lips but in a second her smile gone from her lips and she gets sad

"I don't know is he still upset with me or not, because still we both are not in contact even I don't know where is he and senior tingy is also doesn't know about him, but where is he, is he don't care about his sister, his friends" She thoughts on her mind and lot of questions are arounding on her mind which sometimes disturb her too .

She wanted to meet with tinghao because it's longtime to meet with him for her and she wanted to ask him too that he is still her friend or not she has to asked lot of questions to him but still she is unable to meet with him that's why she is bit upset too but inside she feels that tinghao can't be upset with her so long and that's the reason too that she wanted to meet with him

And back here, Sam comes to near tinghao's cabin and tinghao was using his phone and Sam was watching through the window and then he lightly knock the door and tinghao heard and gaves him permission to come inside then Sam opens the door and tinghao took his phone on the table and his eyes falls on Sam and a light smile comes to his lips and he gets stand and Sam comes in front of him and both shakes each other hand while introducing themselves and soon they sits on the chair and both are infront of each other

"How are you mr fang tinghao" Sam asked

"I'm good and what about you" Tinghao asked

"I'm good too but still I can't believe in my eyes that fang tinghao is in front of my eyes, really you are a great person" Sam precious him and tinghao thanks to him

"Well, I heard lot of about you too and you are not less than me" Sam said

"Are you happy to do partnership business with me" Tinghao asked

"Off course you are a successful person and for my new brand I just need you that's why I'm here" Sam said

"Glad to know this, So tomorrow we will hired a meeting there we can plan about our new product" Tinghao said and Sam agreed

Soon they both gets stand and Sam is ready to leave so both of them again Shake each other hand and bye and sam leaves

And here, Xiaoying comes to baicao and sits on the bench beside her and she looks at baicao and asked

"Hey what are you thinking"

Then baicao look at her and said "Nothing I was just bit tired because after a long time I did practice again"

"Oh, but baicao I want to ask you something" Xiaoying said


"You said yes to coach or not" Xiaoying asked

"For what" Baicao asked

"You remember that day when he proposed you" Xiaoying said

Then baicao gets into flashback again and remember how changan propose her and then she looks at down and her silence already said anything and Xiaoying understand

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