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Los, Angeles
March 2019

"Where you at sis?" Donbo said on the phone as I was on the way to his house

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"Where you at sis?" Donbo said on the phone as I was on the way to his house.

"I'm on the way right now don't be rushing me." Naomi said.

"We waiting on you to bring the Mac and Cheese we hungry." I heard Bre say in the back.

They truly loved Naomi's food. She was young but could cook like someones grandma. Donbo decided to host a friends/family get together at his house and everybody had to bring a dish.

"Okay I'm on the way." Naomi said.

"Auntie we almost there?" Lay Lay asked.

"Yes baby five minutes away." Naomi said.

"Okay because I have to potty." Lay Lay said.

"Okay baby we pulling up right now." Naomi said.

Soon as Naomi pulled in Donbo's neighborhood she seen an all black Rolls Royce run the stop sign and turn down the street cutting her off.

"It was never that serious." Naomi said.

Naomi shortly pulled up across the street from Donbo house right behind the Rolls Royce. She didn't want to be nosey but really just wanted to see what maniac was behind the wheel.

She heard loud music coming from the car.

First time in V-12 she was hanging out the
roof my VV'S ice cream I didn't even have to
scoop got the whole universe in my ceiling
i'ma set the mood I seen his main girl
looking at my neck OU

"Perfect timing, the Mac and Cheese here and ricchy Rosè." Bre said coming out the house.

Shortly the doors of the Rolls Opened and Roddy hopped out causing Naomi to roll her eyes. She thought it was him.

Roddy didn't know her, just seen her around a lot but she knew him, he was famous now.

"Uncle Roddy." Lay Lay said.

"Hold on baby." Naomi said.

Naomi quickly pulled Lay out the backseat and she ran straight to Roddy.

"Trader." Naomi thought.

"Wassup Lay Lay, I missed you." Roddy said picking her up.

"I missed you lots Uncle Roddy." Lay Lay said.

"I know I just got off tour remember I told you I would be home this month." Roddy said.

"Naomi I love you so much for making this, you know this the main dish at every black function." Bree said causing Naomi to laugh.

"Well you know I do my thing." Naomi said.

"Can you take it inside for me while I grab Lay bag please?" Naomi asked Bree.

"I got Lay bag." Roddy spoke.

"It's fine." Naomi said causing Roddy to scrunch his face up at her.

He didn't know her but didn't like her at the same time. He thought she had attitude problems. She just always kept a mug on her face and spoke soft but firm at the same time.

Naomi walked inside Donbo house with Roddy and Lay behind her, she instantly lit up the room with smiles as soon as they saw her face.

"Naomi hey baby and you brought Laylani." Ms.Glenn said as they walked through the living room.

"And I didn't forget about you neither Rodrick." Ms.Glenn said.

"Rodrick? I thought his first name was Robert or something like that." Naomi said to herself.

"Hey auntie but chill on the government." He said.

"How was your tour baby?" Ms.Glenn asked.

"It was fun, gotta bring y'all with me next time." Roddy said.

"I'll have my bags packed ready just let me know baby." She said causing Roddy to laugh.

"So how long you keeping Lay?" Ms.Glenn asked Naomi.

"Um, well her mom doesn't come back until July so until then." Naomi said.

Naomi was Laylani real auntie not just the mom friend. Lay mom and Naomi had the same mom and dad. Naomi sister is in the merchant seamen so she goes on the boat very often and Laylani father is incarcerated at the moment so Naomi helps her sister out as much as she can.

"It's good what you do for this little baby she loves you so much Naomi, you're going to be a great mother one day." Ms.Glenn said causing Naomi to smile.

"Thank you." Naomi said.

"Now let's pray over this food so we can eat." She added.

30 minutes later

Everybody was eating and Naomi was just laughing to herself how everybody was tearing up the Macaroni. They was concentrating on it.

"Uncle Roddy can I stay at your house tonight?" Lay asked.

"Uh.. yeah Lay." He said hesitating.

"Is that okay Naomi?" Ms. Glenn asked.

"Yes but she has to get her clothes and stuff so just send your address to her IPad." Naomi said looking at Roddy.

"I don't feel comfortable with you knowing that location." Roddy said.

"Well I don't feel comfortable with leaving my three year old niece in your hands. I need to know where she is and if she's safe at all times." Naomi said.

"That's my niece too remember that." He said.

"You heard what I said tho, remember that." Naomi responded.

Roddy just stared at her, he didn't like her tone but he respected that she cared for Lay.

He pulled out his phone and tuned out the conversation going on.

Suddenly Lay IPad dinged.

"Yay, you sent your location." Lay said.

"Lay you so smart, how you know how to say that big word?" Roddy asked.

"Mommy and Auntie read to me all the time. Mommy said daddy use to read to me too." Lay said.

"Yes he did, your pops was so happy to have you as his daughter that's all he would talk about." Roddy said.

Roddy and Lay dad are very close homies. Lay dad got convinced for something he didn't do and got life with no parole it hurt everybody.

"I'ma go to walmart real fast and get some stuff for you to come over Lay." Roddy said.

"Okay." Lay said.

Roddy said his goodbyes and walked out the door. Naomi was going to wait on him to pull off to go back home and get Lay clothes. Lay definitely loves him, Naomi could say he a real homie he stepped up and took care of his homie kid when he physically couldn't himself.

Whatever Lay needs she gets it.

"Okay well let me get Lay back home so she can go with her Uncle tonight." Naomi said.

"Okay y'all take care and see you later little Lay baby." Ms.Glenn said.

"Ight sis." Donbo said.

"See y'all later." Naomi said before walking out the door.

Pt2 coming later.

First chapter keep or delete?

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