⋆⋆ ☾⋆⋆Chapter Thirteen: Arcades Fun⋆⋆☾⋆⋆

Start from the beginning

"Ha, ha," Clay said.

John Dory got the basketball into the hoop. "Boom. Got one!"


Spruce threw the basketball into the hoop. "Time's up. Wow, I can't believe you won, Floyd. Great job, little bro."

Floyd hugged Spruce. "Thanks. This is my favorite game now. Can we play again, please?"


~At the Skee Ball station~

During Skee Ball, they were laughing at each other while missing shots. John Dory ended up rolling his ball towards the 100 point hole somehow, which was impossible to get the ball in.

"How did you do it?" Spruce asked.

John Dory smiled. "I don't know. I just got a good throw."

"Nice shot," Branch said.


~At the Mario Kart Arcades~

John Dory begged his brothers to play this game, and after thinking for a moment, Spruce and the rest of his brothers finally agreed to play the game as long as John Dory can control himself. When they got to the Mario Kart arcades, it had actual steering wheels and pedals. To Spruce, it was so worth playing this game. In fact, they all were looking forward to play.

At one point, John Dory challenged Branch that he couldn't win at this game, so they all played it together. Although Spruce was having a good time, he couldn't help but to focus on feeling a bubbly feeling in his stomach......again.

John Dory turned left on the steering wheel. "Come on, come on!"

"I'm close to winning," Branch said, in a singsong voice.

"Wait, who just zoomed past me?" Spruce asked.

Clay jumped for joy. "I won! I won, I have beaten you all!"

"No, that's my character. I'm Red Shy Guy. You're Blue Shy Guy," Floyd corrected him.

"Wait, what?" Clay leaned a bit closer. "How? No, how? How!?!"

Branch nodded. "Yes, that's Floyd. Congrats, Floyd."

"Well, well, well. Good job, bro," Clay said, giving Floyd a fist bump.

"Wow," Spruce said.

"Congrats on winning first place for the first time Floyd," John Dory said.

Floyd blushed. "Thanks."

They did another round, which this time Branch won that round. John Dory kept complaining about how good Branch was at Mario Kart but didn't dare to lose his temper.

John Dory sighed. "Okay, you might be good at this game, but I can drive in real life, so this doesn't mean you can drive."

Branch grinned at him. "Well for your information, I can drive. I drove your vehicle once."

"Oooooooo," Spruce said.

John Dory opened his mouth but closed it. "Touché."


~At the corner of the Arcades~

Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and Branch soon tried the 4-way air hockey while John Dory tried the snowboarding arcade game, which he put on his skiing goggles and aced at very well.

"Whoo-hoo! This is like actual snowboarding, which I love to do," John Dory said.

"Yeah, go, JD!" Spruce cheered.

"Ha, we got a point," Clay jumped for joy.

Spruce faced Clay and Branch who gave each other a high-five. He realized that the hockey puck was on their side. He focused on playing air hockey as he was teaming up with Floyd. It took them ten minutes to play, which Spruce let John Dory take his place to play air hockey while Spruce sat on a nearby chair, feeling an achy feeling in his stomach.


~At the Arcade Rollercoaster Ride~

Spruce was a bit nervous about this ride. Not because of the ride itself, but it was the fact that his stomach hurt again, but a lot more than before. He couldn't ignore it, no matter how much he tried. He watched Clay and John Dory enjoy the ride as they kept smiling and laughing.

Oh my gosh, my stomach's been acting crazy. Why is it doing this now? Why... Spruce jumped a little when he realized that Floyd was on the ride with Clay, screaming.

A few minutes later, Branch got on the ride with Clay and when Spruce was next, he hesitated quite a bit before Clay pulled him onto the seat. The ride Clay chose was the same one that Floyd was screaming about.

You can do this, Spruce. Take a deep breath and just enjoy the...

Spruce opened his mouth. "Aaaaaahhhh!!!"

Clay smiled. "Whoo-hoo!! Yeah!!"

As they were going through this arcade ride, Spruce's stomach rumbled, making him cringe a bit. The more they went through the ride, the more Spruce felt a bit uneasy and icky in the stomach. When the ride was finally over, Spruce still laid on the chair, hoping his stomach would at least calm down.

Clay jumped out of his chair. "Yoo, that was so much fun. Four times of riding this ride has made my day. Let's go to the Karaoke place."

Branch faced Spruce. "Come on, Spruce, let's go."

When he finally got off the chair and stood, Spruce wobbled like a newborn horse, until he managed to walk again. Soon enough, he leaned against a nearby wall and groaned. He wanted to have a good time, and although he did, it wasn't all that fun at the same time, knowing good and well that his stomach was bothering him. Did it make it worse?

Floyd came right up to him. "Hey, bro. You look like you're in pain or something?"

Spruce groaned. "It's my stomach again...."

Clay glared at him. "Really? Is that so?"

Branch shook his head. "Maybe you shouldn't have gone on that crazy ride."

John Dory frowned. "I agree with Bitty B on that. You want to sit down?"

"I'll be okay. Just need to walk a bit. Come on. To the Karaoke area we go," Spruce said.

Spruce's stomach rumbled and felt a burning sensation in his stomach, feeling hot like lava. Oh, no. Please don't tell me that I have to go number two....please don't let that happen. Maybe it's just my stomach feeling queasy from the ride?

While his brothers walked ahead of him, playing other games, Spruce planned to find a chair to sit on. Before he could find a chair, a sudden urge came, making him stop at his tracks. Floyd faced him.

"What's the matter?" Floyd said.

Spruce hesitated. "I....I need to go back to the hotel room. Tell our brothers that I'll be right back."

"But why?" Floyd questioned.

Spruce didn't answer as he ran through the arcades.

"Hey, wait up, Spruce," Floyd ran after him.

Spruce continued to run through the arcades. Oh. no, no, no. This can't be happening. I have to go number two like real bad. Like right now.

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