• a night with my bf • pt-2

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The sunlight radiated through the white curtains, Yoon Jeonghan opened his eyes and shut them again,unlike his bf he hated the sunlight, he hated it so much, he preferred rain and snow it gave him comfort.

He once again attempted to open his eyes and the first thing he sees is his bf through his phone sleeping peacefully looking ethereal like usual. Jeonghan taught to himself 'so he really didn't end the call cause i said him to Stay' after that thought he blushed before he took some screenshots of his bf and half heartedly ended the call, he had to go fresh up and go to pratice so he had no other option but to click that red button.

After ending the call he texted his bf

Good morning honey 💗
Sorry hun, i have pratice I gotta goo
i loveee yaaa and thanks for
not ending the call 💗

Seungcheol woke up with the most worse headache i mean he knows it's his fault for not sleeping and admiring his bf, screen shoting the image of his beautiful bf. He thought to himself
' beautiful now I have an headache but it was worth it but I have an check up today ' and after thinking taht he again said out loud to no one "it was worth it tho, i could stare forever at that gorgeous human"


Jeonghan sighed, he completed a quick pratice before they left for their award show, and after that they had to again had to do reharsels. Even though it's exhausting doing the dance 2 times before the main performance but he understands that it's for the best so he just went through it all.

After that they started the award giving session and they won and award, jeonghan felt so delighted and happy for the award he did the intro behalf of seungcheol and then the members did the speech and they left for home.


After going home he removed his makeup did his skincare and jumped into his PJs. He barely got to text his bf today after texting the morning Message
didn't text him anything. He fished for his phone in his bag and when he found it he texted seungcheol.

Hello babeee~
I came back just half an
hour ago from the award show
and. We won an award
honeyy💗🥹 see our
hardwork payed off 💗

Yess honeyy i saw you did such a good job i love youu and yess it did pay off💗

I missed u so much todayy I even
Didn't get to text u today cause of
The bitchy schedule 🙄

Open the door hun I sent you something ~

Reallyy what must iit beee??

you'll see ;)

As jeonghan opened the door he was greeted with an smily seungcheol holding onto some lilies . As soon as hanni saw cheol he taught he was hallucinating and rubbed his eyes and pitched himself lightly and looked again too see seungcheol laugh at his antics and said "here is your delivery sir" at this jeonghan's mind went crazy and teh only outcome he could manage to make is clinging onto his bf , oh lord he missed his scent so much .jeonghan held seungcheol in his arms as if his life depends on him and that's true his life depends and revolves around seungcheol anything he does he always think what will happen to seungcheol if he does it , he hates the sun but whenever cheol sleeps in his home he always makes sure to opens the curtains before sleeping just because cheol loves the sun and the way the rays filled the room with brightness and warmth.

" What are you doing heree " jeonghan said almost tearing up

" Mr. Yoon jeonghan, if you let me in i will explain u everything"

"So come in mr.choi, make this house a home , give this house warmth and love by ur presence"

cheol entered hanni's home and then cupped hannie's cheeks and pressed their lips togther
The kiss was soft with love and was so smooth and beautiful. After the kiss cheol said
" I was in the clinic for daily check up and after the checkup ui viewed the live podcast and then came to ur home cause it's near to the clinic "

"I'm glad you came i missed yo FUCKIN much I missed ur touch,ur scent, your lips, your hands, your- "He was interrupted with another kiss it was like jeonghan went to cloud 9 because of the way seungcheol moved his lips . He loved everything about seungcheol and he gotta admit it.

After the kiss , jeonghan was about to say something again just to be interrupted again by his bf's hands finding it's way to his waist and lifting him up and at this action jeonghan lightly hit seungcheol on his shoulder before saying "yaa pabo yaa put me down your leg just got surgery and look at u now "
"Babe it's okayyy i swear Noting will happen to me you are half my gym weight honey "

"You never listen to me do you ?" Jeonghan said rolling his eyes and after the question seungcheol just shaked his head saying no and then started walking towards the couch.

After they reached the couch seungcheol put jeonghan on the couch and then say down with him and said "i missed you too hun now let's watch something and then i will cuddle u up okay?"
"Is that even a question I would die to cuddle up "

So they did what they said they will they watched an movie they interwined their hands leaned onto eachothers shoulder laughed togther and then jeonghan says in middle "cheol I'm hungrryy" "let's make something?" "Okayyy"
So they went to the kitchen and jeonghan started serching for ramen so he can make 2 of them so he and cheol can eat as he searched Cheol's hand slowly found its way to jeonghan's waist and he slowly back hugged jeonghan , this brought butterflies erupting jeonghan's stomach.

After jeonghan found the ramen, he started taking the utensils and started making the ramen as he was cutting some spring onions too go with the ramen and while he was cutting it seungcheol slowly kissed jeonghan's checks and then his jaw and slowly started pecking his neck to which
Jeonghan slowly whined and said "cheoll I gotta cook " " I know hun.." cheol said before smelling jeonghan's hair and after that he let go jeonghan's waist and said "hanni HANNII" "yes yess sayyyy " "let's dance love" "but you're leg " "just slow dancing I'm sure it won't do anything just small swaying and moving front and back right it's no big deal" "okayy" jeonghan said before he took Cheol's hand and cheol slowly swayed them slowly an then cheol slowly pecked jeonghan's lips. Hands on jeonghan's waist , slowly swaying them and with peace and love surrounding them.


After they complete cooking they again jump into the couch see the movie while eating and then after they are done with the movie jeonghan pecks seungcheol's cheek and then seungcheol looked and jeonghan and pecked his lips and then jeonghan pecked his forehead and they had a small kiss fight before seungcheol picked jeonghan up and then took him to his room and then layed him down and joined him. He slowly kissed jeonghan with sincerity, hope and love they spend almost 6 years togther being in a relationship they have known each other from almost 10 years and all he can say is the man in front of him is the most precious and important human in Cheol's lie and even if doesn't know the same implies to jeonghan.

As the kiss ended seungcheol and jeonghan quickly cuddles up, jeonghan's face was on Cheol's chest and Cheol's hand was on jeonghan's waist and his chin was lightly placed on jeonghan's hair he smelled the hair and pecked it many times.

This is the first thing jeonghan can ask after a long day and he knows even if his bf was not doing good he will still find a way to make his day better and give him the comfort he wished for. He loved him and always will forever and ever until his breath stops and he can't see his beautiful bf until that moment he will love him and then he will love him again in his next life and the other one . He's sure he is completely sure he will fall in love with this man every time, every life and in every universe...


So there we go in done with the 2 part story hehe and yeah go ahead loves be delulu and if u liked it I would appreciate an vote and a comment would light up my day thank u for sticking through the story and I have allot of jch ideas so u will be seeing me dropping allot of jeongcheol so yeah letsgoo ig ?💕


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