5 - " whoops, my fault. "

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Angelo and Imya walked into his mansion, and he turned to face her, a slight smile playing at his lips. "Well, mind telling me why you rushed over to my place?"

Imya simply smiled, a playful glint in her eyes.
"You already know, right?"

Angelo chuckled, his smile growing wider.
"Okay, so by what you told me while on the road, you ran away from your mansion and everything because you couldn't handle your cheating husband, right?"

Imya's teasing smile only grew, and she let out a soft laugh.

"Oh my, you're so smart... You have figured it out, Angelo,"

she said, her voice gentle and amused. She couldn't help but feel grateful to have him by her side during this time of need.

Angelo simply shrugged, his lips curving up slightly.
"Well, what can I say? I know you too well,"
he said, his voice full of kindness.

" you're really smart, Angelo. "

Angelo's face lit up at her words, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he shook his head.
" Oh, you're flattering me, Imya,"
he said with a chuckle, his hand coming up to lightly brush her hair back.

"I was just kidding." Imya quickly exclaimed, her eyes wide and her expression apologetic. She gave him a playful nudge, grinning as she did so. "Who would even say you're smart?"

Angelo couldn't help but blush at her words, feeling a little embarrassed but also amused. He took a step closer to her, his hand still on her hair, and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.
"What? Did I stutter?" She replied, looking at him with playful eyes, as if challenging him to make a comeback.

For a moment, Angelo seemed to freeze up. He couldn't think of anything witty to say, and Imya's smile only grew wider as she waited for a reply, enjoying their little game of words. Finally, he gave up and let out a defeated chuckle, shaking his head at her.
"You really are something else, Imya," he said with a fond smile.

" Something else? That's rich coming from a man who made out with my fitness coach. "

Angelo flinched at her words but then relaxed, a small smile playing at his lips.
"Ouch, I was expecting more from you, Imya. Surely you can come up with better insults than that?" he teased, nudging her gently.

Imya let out a laugh, realizing her attempt at teasing him hadn't turned out as planned.
"Well, what can I say? I only give my best insults to the people I care about," she replied with a sheepish smile.

Angelo raised an eyebrow at her words, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Wait, does that mean I'm not on the list of people you care about?" he asked playfully, a hint of teasing in his voice.

Imya rolled her eyes at him.
"You may be a bit of a jerk, but yeah, you're definitely on that list," she said, her tone becoming softer and more sincere.

Angelo's smile grew wider at her words, and he leaned in to plant a quick kiss on her cheek.
"That's all I needed to hear," he whispered, his voice low and husky.

Imya blushed at the gesture, her eyes lowering to the floor.
"You're impossible," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Angelo chuckled, resting his hand on her shoulder.
"And that's why you love me," he said with a wink.

Imya looked at Angelo with a grin on her face, a playful gleam in her eyes.
"Are you two-faced, Angelo? I thought you are gay, aren't you?"

Angelo's face flushed with embarrassment, and his eyes widened. "I'm not gay, I'm totally straight!" he exclaimed, his voice becoming higher-pitched as his anxiety grew.

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