Start from the beginning

At hearing her father's words, Harlow's glare harshens which causes Dean to wince but smile as he cups his hand over his mouth and the phone, so his words can't be heard by his daughter. "Scratch that, I'm gonne be killed any second. Please, just tell me where all the stuff is."

Juliet's chuckle can be heard through his phone's speaker.

"The asprin is in the cabinet in the bathroom and the sanitary pads are in my bedside draw."

Dean furrows his eyebrows, confused.

"You keep your special napkins in your bedside draw?"

Juliet sighs, "Yes, so the kids don't get hold of them and play with them."

Dean pulls a face, "Fair point."

"Can I go now? I still have a few more items from the list to get."

Dean nods his head, "Yeah, yeah. All right." A thought then pops into his head, "But, Juliet? Don't forget the pie."

Dean can picture her shaking her head while rolling her eyes.

"Who do you think I am, Sam? I won't forget the pie. Oh, and Dean? Get Harlow some chocolate from the kitchen, that will get you back in her good books."

Dean nods his head, "Will do. Love you, baby."

"Love you too, see you in a few. Bye."


Dean hangs up the phone before looking at his daughter, who's curled up in ball, groaning in pain from time to time. Dean can see that's subtly and gently rocking herself back and forth, probably to try and help with the cramps.

"Don't worry. You're old man's got it covered. Be back in a minute."

Harlow can't help but giggle as she watches her dad rush out the room like a headless chicken.

• • •

Dean enters the bunker's bathroom and briskly walks over to the bathroom cabinet, smiling has his eyes lock onto the thing he's looking for. The asprin. He swipes the bottle from the shelf and pockets it before making his way to the kitchen.

The light green-eyed Winchester rushes to the refrigerator and nabs the Hershey's chocolate bar from the middle shelf. He stuffs that in his pocket as well.

There's only one more thing left on his non-existent list.

He makes his way back to his and Juliet's bedroom before going over to her bedside draw and opening it. He furrows his eyebrows as he picks up the square like object that's wrapped in plastic wrapping.

"Man, I am so lucky to be a dude."

Boy, is he lucky that neither Harlow or Juliet are around to hear him say that, he winces just knowing he would get a smack upside the head for saying that, either from his daughter or wife? He doesn't know, probably both.

Now having got everything that was on his mental list, Dean closes the bedside draw and makes his way back to his daughter.

• • •

Dean smiles as he walks into Harlow's room once more.

"I've got something for ya."

He then proceeds to hold up the three things Harlow is so desperately in need of. His heart swells as he watches her eyes light up at seeing the Hershey's bar.

Dean hands her the asprin and sanitary napkin.

"Why don't you go and get...sorted and when you come back, we can watch some Scooby-Doo. How does that sound?"

A smile beams on Harlow's face as she rushes over to Dean and hugs him tight.

"Thanks, dad. You're the best."

Dean smiles as Harlow leans up on her tippy toes and places a kiss on his stubbled cheek before walking out the door to clean herself up.

The smile stays on Dean's face as he mulls Harlow's words over.

"I am the best."

The man jumps at the sound of Harlow's voice being heard from down the hall.

"Don't let that get to your head."

Dean shakes his head with a smile as he goes to set up the blankets and pillows for when Harlow comes back.

Author's note

This one-shot was requested by gabbyrocco

  I hope you liked theI know I enjoyed writing it, especially as this is my first time writing Harlow as a teen, I can't wait to get to write older Harlow in the main book, it's something I'm really looking foward to.

Remember, feel free to request one-shot scenarios in the comments, can be anything from Dean and Juliet in their youth (Before Harlow was born) to Harlow being younger or older. Can be anything.

And yes, you did read that correctly, Juliet said kids meaning that in this one-shot Harlow isn't the only child. I'm not going to mention him/her by name as that will just ruin the surprise I have in store for y'all in the main book, but I can say that you will get to meet them in main book, soon...ish.

And yes, by this point Dean and Juliet are married.

There's only one thing I ask you not to request, and that is Dean and Juliet's wedding as I plan to write that in the main story, I'm not gonna say when. You guys will just have to wait and see ;)

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