Chapter 3

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The sound of metal hissing and crackling fills the atmosphere as metal is dropped into an enormous pool of molten metal. The sound of hammers striking hot metal reverberates the air along with the echoes of the many workers.

"Faster you fools" a deep, grainy voice orders, from the surrounding smoke, a pure white figure stands out, his white feathers dotted with extravagant blood red eyespots, matching his blood red eyes as he glares at the wolves down below.

"What are you doing there, get back to work"  he says, pointing at a group of wolves standing in a corner.

"I want to complete the weapon in three days!" he says to himself, as the whole building went silent. A wolf jumps up and on to the platform right below the figure and gets down on one knee. 

"but..Lord Shen, we're about to run out of metal." He says, hesitantly. He glares at him, the wolf slowly lowering his head as he walks at his own pace towards him, his talons making a signature "Cling" every time he took a step.

"For thirty years I've been waiting for this very moment, you know your duty-" He says, standing in front of him with a knife pointed in between the wolves eyes, walking slowly towards him.

"B...but sir, we've already raided the surrounding villages."

"I don't care, search the farthest villages, find more metal!" He says, turning back and walking towards a large window at the top of the building, looking out towards a view of mountains, rivers and in the distance, a soaring crimsom red tower, with it's numerous, sapphire blue and gold roofs with the sun setting behind it.

"China,  will be mine..."

I spent some time reflecting on Oogway's words, I began to understand why he'd spend most of his time under the peach tree, the cool and calm atmosphere really did distract me from the act that I have a gaping stab wound in my side and let me relax for a few hours. The sun began to set when I made it back to the barracks, when I met Po again.

"Hey dude, how was your chat with Oogway? We've got dinner prepared. wanna join?" he says

"I'd rather not panda. I'm not hungry" I say, politely declining his offer.

"Oh come on dude, at least just join us" He says, grabbing me by the arm and puling me back out

"Fine" I say reluctantly while dusting my hand off, I followed him to the kitchen where the rest of the masters were already at the table. 

"Hey guys, look who's here" He says, pushing me into the room.

"Oh you're awake now" Master Viper said, "I thought you were dead" Mantis said, to which master viper hissed at him,

"Sorry, but he looked dead" he remarked. I stand there with my arms crossed, nor mad but rather amused by their friendship dynamic.

"Take a seat" Master Monkey says, clearing a chair for me. "Why thank you" I says, sitting next to him.

I take note of the tiger, who takes repeated glances at me. I could tell that she isn't quite fond of me, but her expressions was not of disapproval but seemed to be of slight confusion. I assume that she's quite confused for the reason that I looked like nothing they've ever seen in their lives, which was evident when everyone else, except for Po and Viper began doing the same.

"So..... you're like a wolf or something?" the mantis asked

"Close enough" I replied. "Let me guess, you're not from china?" The tiger questioned, staring directly at me.

"Partially correct" I stated, trying to ease the tension that's building up inside me. "Sorry about that Lei, Tigress is quite skeptical of strangers. You'll get used to it" Viper says

"You never really could trust a stranger, especially if they are of a kind that's not even related to China" She says.

"I see" I say in an indifferent manner. I was rather offended by her remark, yet I understood that I did not make a good first impression on her.  I remained seated as everyone ate their meals in an awkward silence. Po, every once in a while tries to do away with the silence by cracking up some jokes, which were in all aspects....., shit. 

This continued on for a while. I watched how the monkey and Po whispered at each other making some comical expressions, taking a random glances as then did. At once I made eye contact with them, for a solid three seconds. Then they ended it.

 Once everyone had finished, I excused myself and limped out with the pole. 

I stood outside, observing the moon rise above the peach tree as Oogway meditates underneath it. I could hear Viper talk to the tiger about her remarks about me, which I decided to ignore to keep my mind free of burden.

After some time I make my way back to the barracks, where I run into the Tiger again.

You're Lei, am I right?" She asks, arms crossed.

"Yes, and what is it" I question, keeping  and arms length from her.

"Master Shifu told me that we've prepared a room for you to stay in which is right next to mine" She says.

"Well tell him that I said thanks, and what about my stuff?"

"I've taken care of that" She says with a smirk on her face

"And how exactly?"

"Don't worry, it's in your room" She says, walking up to me. Taken aback by her sudden movement, i shift into a subtle defensive stance, staring at my eyes "I'm keeping my eye on you" She says, walking away

"I'll be sure to take note of that"

The next morning I woke up to find a note next to my stuff. I waddled my way to the corner. Tied to the sabre's Grip was a note.

Meet me at the training hall when you wake up -master Shifu

I fold the note back and put it in my rucksack, Taking the belt out I pulled it around my waist and buckled it. Attaching my scabbard and sheathing my sabre and attaching my musket , deciding to leave everything else inside I ventured out. For once I didn't need the stick to walk. Heading outside I find a puddle and my reflection and the red blood stain on my side.

Fixing up my hair I head towards the training hall, where the five were training outside. I walked steadily, carefully observing each and every one of their moves. It seemed that each one had their own unique style. There master Shifu was, who then  turned to me.

"I see that you can walk without the aid of a stick" he says

"Indeed, was there something that you wanted to discuss with me?" I ask

"Yes. On master Oogways orders you are to get new clothes to replace your.... bloodied up  ones" he says, looking down at the red stain on my tunic.

"That is nice of him" I say,

"And Tigress will go with you" He states, tossing a small pouch of coins at my paws. "With him?" The tiger asks as she walks up to Shifu's side. 

Why specifically the tiger? I'm certain that he knows that she is not fond of me at all.

"Yes, you will go with him. The reason I am sending you with him is because he isn't in good health so someone must go with him"

Of course he'd say that, Seriously though I only have a stab wound and I already could walk on my own.

She glares at me. "Yes master" She agrees, hesitantly. 

*Thank you for making it this far. You are free to state your opinion in the comments & feel free to mention any suggestions for the plot. Have a nice day.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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