The Next day(major changes)

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Jingwu and Mao were seated on the table and Hao had already gone to the office due to some work.There was an awkward tension filled in the room foreign to the duo.Jingwu decided to try and lighten up the mood and talk"Heyy kiddo why are you looking so down cheer up a little""I am just having a slight headache don't worry it will go away soon"said Mao trying to smile"You sure?? We can stay at home today if you are not feeling well"said Jingwu in a worried tone"Don't worry ge I am fine"said Mao drinking her coffee"I just had my medicine I will feel even better in a few minutes"said Mao pointing to her coffee as her "medicine""Still don't know how you drink that stuff it is so bitter"said Jingwu making a disgusted face"It is better than your black tea"said Mao going to get ready.


Both siblings were seated in the car."Ge?"said Mao"Yes"said Jingwu not looking up from his phone"Do can we join two clubs?"asked Mao"Yes"said Jingwu still engrossed in his phone"Oki than I am going to join the Performing Arts club"said Mao happily"Which is?"asked Jingwu"Music related"said Mao"Oh"said Jingwu again looking at his phone typing something"Yeah I think a teammate of yours is the head of club"said Mao looking sideways to see her brothers reaction"Which one?"asked Jingwu looking dangerously angry"Woh calm down ge"said Mao trying contain her laughter"And it's I guess Yue Yang"said Mao"oh"said Jingwu still looking a bit angry"Anyways drop me off over here"said Mao"Why?"asked Jingwu"Well I do not plan on being the captains sister anytime soon"said Mao picking up her backpack"Well goodbye see you soon""Goodbye"said Jingwu.


Mao reached the campus and saw crystal coming with Zhiyuan"Hey guys!"chirped up Mao"Heyy"said Crystal equally excited"Hey"said Zhiyuan in a sleepy voice"What happened to you you look like you have not slept?"asked Mao"He was gaming all night"said Crystal crossing her arms at the sleepy boy"Well go to your practice we are also going"said Crystal shooing away the boy"Hey if I go in this state the captain will be angry at me"said Zhiyuan"Than tell him the reason"said Mao"Simple""Simple!!SIMPLE!!!"shouted Zhiyuan earning a few looks from the passing students"Look you do not know how scary your bother can be on court if i tell him the reason for staying up late he would drop me from the main team"said Zhiyuan in a low voice"Well if you don't go you will still be in trouble"said Crystal. "Ok ok I am going see you guys  later"said Zhiyuan jogging off to his practice.


Mao and Crystal arrived at practice and the coach immediately assigned them their pairs. Mao was up against Mei "Hey newbie let me show you how it is done" said Mei with arrogance"let's see who teaches who" said Mao as she served first. The game went on the for a bit with Mao winning each set. The coach saw Mao's game and considered her an option for the new captain. When he was discussing this with the ass. Coach when Mei overhears this she gets jealous and starts to plot against Mao.

At recess:

During recess a boy in Mao's class named Jun came towards Mao and Crystal. "H-hey Mao" stuttered Jun "Hey Jun right?"asked Mao " Yes"said Jun" How can we help you"asked Crystal "Ummm Would you like to go out with me to the new bubble tea place?" Jun asked Mao. By this time the tennis team had come to the cafeteria and Zhiyuan and Jingwu had noticed and heard the conversation. Zhiyuan noticed the death stares Jingwu was giving to the boy. He decided to intervene " Hey hey dude It is not the best time to talk to her so go."said Zhiyuan "O-oh okay then see you guys later than bye"said Jun " hey your brother heard all of this and is now very angry" said Zhiyuan " oh sh*t"whisphered Mao as she prepared herself for the lecture"let just get this over with"
At home:

Jingwu sat at the kitchen table, his expression a mix of irritation and concern. Mao had come home later than usual, and it didn't help that he'd seen that someone had asked her out at school. Zhiyuan had let it slip to him, and now he was not pleased.Mao walked into the kitchen, humming a tune, her mood completely different from Jingwu's. She barely noticed her brother's glare as she reached for a snack."Where were you?" Jingwu asked, trying to keep his voice calm but failing miserably.Mao looked at him, surprised by his tone. "Out with Crystal and Zhiyuan," she replied casually. "We were just hanging out after school. Is there a problem?"Jingwu clenched his fists. "I heard someone asked you out. Why didn't you tell me?"Mao frowned, her good mood evaporating. "Why should I? It's not a big deal.""It's a big deal when you don't tell me things," Jingwu snapped. "I'm supposed to protect you, and you're just going off with anyone who asks?"Mao crossed her arms, her patience wearing thin. "I'm not a kid, Jingwu. I don't need you to approve everything I do.""You don't get it, do you?" Jingwu shot back, his voice rising. "This is about safety. You can't just go around with people you barely know!"Hao, the eldest brother, heard the commotion from the living room and quickly made his way to the kitchen. He saw the intense argument brewing and knew he had to step in before it got out of hand."What's going on here?" Hao asked, his voice firm but calm.Jingwu pointed a finger at Mao. "She's going out with people without letting us know, and now someone's asking her out at school!"Hao raised an eyebrow, glancing at Mao. "Is this true?"Mao rolled her eyes. "Yes, but it's not like I'm doing anything wrong. It's just a casual thing. I'm not breaking any laws."Hao nodded, then turned back to Jingwu. "You need to calm down. She's old enough to make her own decisions."Jingwu's eyes flashed with frustration. "But Hao, she's my sister! I don't want her to get hurt or taken advantage of."Mao cut in, her voice filled with irritation. "You don't get to decide everything I do! I'm allowed to have my own friends and make my own choices."Hao tried to mediate, but the tension between Jingwu and Mao was too high. Jingwu was too wound up to back down, and Mao's patience had worn thin. They both spoke at once, their voices overlapping, each trying to make their point."Listen, you can't just act like my father!" Mao snapped."I'm responsible for you, Mao!" Jingwu shot back. "You can't just ignore me when I'm trying to keep you safe!"Hao knew that nothing he said at that moment would calm them down. They both needed to cool off, so he stepped back, letting them vent their frustrations. He knew that their sibling bond was strong, but sometimes it took a little time for them to work through their differences.He sighed, shaking his head as the argument continued, knowing it would take a while for them to find common ground again.


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