From the moment she set foot in the school, Annabel only followed Dorea like a little dog, Dorea threatened the little girl many times, even cast some spells on her and insulted her in the worst possible way in order to send her away, but the little girl was stubborn and had taken on a certain obsession with Dorea.

The young lady Black always made sure that no one was watching her when she shouted or spoke to the muggleborn, she would never have imagined what would happen if it was known that she dared to interact with a " mudblood".

Over time Dorea got used to having that sort of follower on her tail, the girl was not ordinary, you could see it from a mile, how she laughed in the face of those who insulted her for her origins, how she opened those big brown eyes of hers full of magic and curiosity about learning something new and how she would humiliate you if you got on her bad side.

In the third year Dorea and Annabel exchanged their first words, behind the trees of the forbidden forest and Dorea perhaps for the first time in her life felt involved and fascinated by a simple conversation, Annabel transformed every banal topic into something interesting.

Every day the place of their meetings changed so as not to make people suspicious, Dorea and Anna confided in each other about everything, from how Anna's family thought she was going to a convent and that they would have kicked her out of the house if they found out she was a *servant of the devil*, and with the help of her other Muggle-born friends altered the nuns' memories.
Dorea talked of her life as a Black and how it was full of rules, limitations and punishments, after all they weren't so different.
Sometimes the two consoled each other by hugging and giving kisses on the head to reassure each other, Dorea would never have said it but since the second year she considered Anna her first and greatest friend and now a sister....her little sister.

In the fifth year Dorea and Charlus Potter, a sixth year Gryffindor, were manipulated by Anna, the two had met "coincidentally" in the astronomy tower, Dorea had to be damned, how could she think that her Ravenclaw friend hadn't noticed the exchange of glances that she and Charlus sent each other into the great room and through the corridor

Charlus was a handsome boy, tall, strong, with curly brown hair and and honey colored eyes, a diligent student and duelist, although his family did not belong to the sacred 28, his was one of the richest and most influential in Britain, his family was known to marry foreign women, always having sons and a passion for travel.

The Potter family was a reserved family who chose their allies and friends with great care, the Black family always considered them strange but at the same time respected them for their wealth, for keeping their blood pure and for never having caused any scandal .

Dorea was attracted to him because he was a true Gryffindor, not an arrogant braggart who acted without thinking, the girl could sometimes see him in the corridors of the school defending the Slytherins from bullies or other people from different houses.

Charlus always liked Dorea Black, her beauty, how her black hair intertwined like snakes, how her dark gray eyes shone in the sunlight, the way she thought and her temper.

That evening Charlus was the first to open his mouth.
"It's really a coincidence, isn't it?
meeting at the same time, same day and same place after hearing from Annabel that help was needed in the astronomy tower."

Dorea raised an eyebrow at that.
"Do you know Miss Montbel?"
Dorea and Anna promised each other in their second year that they would not tell anyone about what was happening between the two.

Charlus grinned.
"Miss Montbel is part of the dueling club, lately she hasn't stopped shutting her damned mouth about how a perfect young lady like you needs a devoted, intelligent, handsome man and a thousand other qualities that i don't think i can remember, but I'm sure she also mentioned rich and obedient"

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