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As the Reverend John Phillips helped Louisa from the carriage just over a week later, she found herself quite awestruck by the size of Thorn view Grange, the ancestral family home belonging to her Mother's family. The dark granite steps that  led up to the porch, to the large heavy wooden  decorated front door, and there were so many windows that reached three storeys high.

Its white painted walls give it a feeling of grandeur in the parklike gardens that surrounded it with its many trees and smooth lawn lined with various rose bushes. It was certainly certainly quite a different to the modest  apartment she grew in with her parents in London, and certainly more welcoming than the meagre rooms and grey dullness of the orphanage where she had to share a dorm with five other girls.

The idea she was to live here, seemed somewhat unreal. It was only with the Reverend's encouragement she dared to approach the steps of the house. He was smiling and looking quite pleased that she was rather dazed by her surroundings, "You see my dear, you will live quite comfortably here, and I am sure your mother would be pleased to know you have returned to the home where she grew up,  its where you truly belong" he then tried to reassure her.

But Louisa wasn't sure she could really fully believe she belonged here, and her heart was in her mouth when the Reverend knocked sharply on the door

"I know your aunt is looking forward to meeting you" He now addressed her, " But I must remind you my dear, she is of delicate health lately, so do not expect too much" he then hurriedly added in afterthought

Louisa was about to enquire if her uncle would be pleased to see  her, when the sound of someone opening the door drew her attention back to her nerves, and she forgot all about asking. Instead,  she clutched the meagre belongings she had in her small bandbox tighter in her hands as a man dressed in dark livery with a red waistcoat eyed them enquiringly "I take it you are The Reverend John Phillips" he spoke up, then his glance turned on Louisa standing next to him, giving her a a quick sweeping inspection of open curiosity that made Louisa want to hide behind one of the nearby white pillars. But then his face became a mask of indifference again. "You may come in the mistress is expecting you" he then announced as he stood aside to let them enter.

Louisa followed the servant and the Reverend across the grand spacious hallway, with its many chairs, plants and ornamental figures placed in various corners, She gaped even further as she found herself walking past a grand staircase with its bright red carpet. whilst unable to give much attention to many of the portraits and painting up on the walls surrounding her.

They were led over to the front of the oak double doors that were closed.  The man servant knocked lightly  before opening one door  to address the person residing in the room. "The Reverend John Phillips, has arrive with your new ward  Ma'am" he informed her crisply.

For once, Louisa did not focus on the grand surroundings of the room as she entered, instead her full attention turned on the person sitting on the chair, she assumed was her aunt.  

The lady's dark hair was hidden underneath a cap  but the little Louisa could see she could tell it was streaked with silver grey, recalling the reverend's words about her aunt being poorly, Louisa noticed the woman was drawn and rather pale in the face accentuating her brown eyes   which were scrutinising her, before she stood up. she was dressed in a pale green Gown with the shawl around her shoulders being a darker green, but it did not hid the thin frailty of her body. She was smiling  with a nervous warmth, as she addressed them

"Reverend Phillips, its so good you have arrived at last with my estranged niece Louisa, come here girl, and let me get a better look at you" she commanded in not an unkind voice.

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