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"How strange that Mr Marchant has not called on us lately," Rosemary remarked, as she sat with her aunt and Louisa at the breakfast table, "he was paying me very particular attention at the ball three nights ago, but I have not seen or heard from him since then" she finished with slight disappointment

Louisa, who had been helping herself to some bread and butter, felt her appetite suddenly vanish at the mention of Fergus Marchant, and the memory of how he had accosted her in the garden that evening. She for one, was glad he had not called upon them. She was certainly not ready to see him again just yet. Perhaps his behaviour had shamed him when he sobered up, and did not want to show his face. She also speculated that Alex Carstairs might have put the young man in his place, and perhaps warned him to stay away.

"If I were you, I wouldn't concern myself too much about Mr Marchant's attention," Hettie replied sagely, "he is not the most reliable of young men, and is acquiring quite a shocking reputation" she then informed her niece with a tone of disapproval. She dabbed at her lips with her napkin before continuing "I blame his parents if course, his father is always junketing around other countries with his wife so he can gather information for the books he writes on ancient ruins. They let that young man run too freely which encourages him into  thinking he can do as he likes, He would be much worse y'know, if the duke and the duchess didn't rein him in now and again"

"Adrian did happen  mention that Fergus was his father's godson when he first introduced us" Rosemary recalled, "although I get the feeling he is not exactly fond of him, I think Adrian was even a little jealous when Mr Marchant danced with me" she mused, but then she frowned a little in realisation, " But, what a strange thing his father is doing, travelling the world to write about ancient ruins, I can't imagine anything more boring. Poor Fergus, imagine being neglected by your parents for that" she finished sympathetically

"Well I won't disagree with you on that score," her aunt replied taking a sip of her tea, "Of course that is how the Duke and Fergus's father became such good friends, their love for fossils and ancient ruins, and its  probably why the duke agreed to be the young man's Godfather" she then  informed them.

Louisa decided to  remain quiet during this exchange, whilst taking it all in. 

 She didn't think it was particularly strange to have an interest in such things. But she knew to admit this in front of her cousin Rosemary, she  would only  complain that  she was too much of a dead bore. Now she was finding as much as she had come to dislike Fergus, after his actions a few nights before,  she still found herself reluctantly admiring his parents for being able to do what she would like to do, even if it made them such bad parents she realised a little guiltily.


Louisa had never been in any sort of theatre before, but for once, this evenings outing to the opera, was something she had  been looking forward to of all things, whilst in London.  She sat in the box along with Rosemary and Hettie, watching the seats fill up with people, and happily taking everything in around her.  Rosemary was particularly pleased that their box was almost next to that of the Duke and Duchess, so she would get a good view of Adrian, who would be accompanying them there this evening.  

They finally arrived to take their seats just before the opera was about to start.  Adrian tipped his hat and smiled particularly at Rosemary, who waved back with her fan in acknowledgment, shooting him her own beguiling smile in return. Louisa had the feeling that both of them would  not be paying much attention to the opera when it started. 

But knew she would be making the most of it as she didn't have a future beau, and potential husband to make eyes at thankfully.

When the Operetta finally got underway, she found it did not disappoint, and she was enthralled with the music and the singing, she was lost in the whole spectacle  with her eyes fixed on the stage before her,  so she wasn't even aware of Alex Carstairs joining the rest of his family in their box.

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