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8 years later

"Mama!" Ellie ran up to her mother

"Hi sweetie, where's daddy?" Meredith kneeled down, Ellie wheezing a little bit as the little girl had been running a lot

"Mommy!" The other two kids ran towards Meredith

"Hi Jack, hi Violet." She hugged her other kids close. "Let's go inside, auntie Lex made waffles."

"Waffles!" Jack and Violet, the 5 year old twins ran inside

"Mommy, I'm a bit tired." Ellie said, grabbing her mother's hand

"Well we can relax a bit now. We'll eat the waffles and daddy will join us." Meredith smiled, holding Ellie's hand as they walk inside

"Hey El!" Lexie smiled as she was already cuddling with the two youngest kids. "Come here, I'd love to have a hug."

"Auntie Lex!" Ellie giggled and slowly ran off to her aunt to hug her tight

"I'll go find Derek." Meredith said and walked off, she had a feeling where he could be

She made her way over to Ellie's bedroom and walked inside

"Hey." She smiled, seeing him busy with the little girl's bed

"Hey, I just finished installing her new bed, I hope she'll like it." Derek smiled as she had now gotten her much larger bed, finally ready for her to sleep in it

"We should show her after she had her waffles with Lexie. She'll be really, really happy. Thank you, Derek." Meredith hugged her husband

"Come on, let's go check on the kids to make sure the house isn't burning down." Derek chuckled

"They are not that wild." Meredith laughed but together they made their way over to the kitchen

"Daddy!" The kids smiled as they digged in their waffles

"Hi guys! How are the waffles?" Derek sat down at the table with them

"They're very yummy!" They giggled

Meredith took a seat next to them, grabbing a waffle

"I'm starving!" Lexie breathed and took a seat

"How's my little nephew in there?" Meredith placed her hand over Lexie's stomach

"He's craving some waffles." Lexie chuckled and started digging in


A few hours later the Shepherds were on their own. Meredith as getting Ellie dressed up, they were going for a walk since the sun was still shining but she wanted to make sure the girl would be warm enough.

Ellie barely had any issues, she only got sick quite often so that's why Meredith made sure the girl would stay extra warm

"Mama!" Jack ran inside

"Yes monkey, what's up?" Meredith chuckled as her son was extremely excited to go out

"Huwwy!!" He jumped up and down, Violet and Derek approaching them as well

"Are you warm, Ellie Bell?" Derek asked

"Yes daddy." She smiled and stood up while Meredith quickly grabbed her own coat

"Let's go." Meredith said as she was ready, grabbing Violet and Ellie's hand

"Jack, stay close!" Derek said as the boy started running off

"Yes daddy!" Jack giggled

"He's so energetic." Meredith laughed. He had always been, which was a huge difference to having Ellie who was extremely easy and calm. Then suddenly they got pregnant with twins and Jack has quite some energy

"Daddy, can we race?" Jack asked Derek

"Go for it. I'll watch closely so you two don't cheat." Meredith laughed as the two started running

It was clear Derek was making Jack win

"You're doing amazing, Jack!" Meredith yelled

"Jack! Jack!" The girls cheered him on

"I'm hurt!" Derek chuckled

Meredith couldn't stop smiling as she looked at her family, she was beyond happy

It had been scary when she gave birth to Ellie after the shooting, the scars were still visible, both mentally and physically, but she had every reason to be happy now, she had an amazing husband, an amazing family and the best kids she could imagine. Her love for them is so big

- The End -

Thanks everyone for reading this story ❤️

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