"The best and quickest way to do it, Father, is to protect our home on our own." Cale looked at him and said, "You have 10 million people to protect, and this city alone has 10 million smiles to protect."

The bloodshed, the ruins, the massacre that once befell this happy city.

Cale did not want to see or know about it in the future he was attempting to create.

Deruth had the feeling that Cale had seen something worse in the future. He truly believes what his son is telling him right now as a father. But as Lord of the County? He was hesitant. Cale is a young man who has not left the territory in eighteen years. He had spent his entire life in this city, even wasting away for the past ten years.

He thought giving him everything he wanted was enough, but Cale—his son—speaks to him as if he knows what kind of future they will face.

The future where Bassen and Lilly died, the future where his grandnephews and grandnieces died. Choi Han told him about a future in which no one lived in this once vast and wonderful city. The family that Cale once protected and protected him—all died and withered like ashes.

"I want to protect our family... Our home, father," Cale said again, his face filled with anger and sadness. "I do not want to lose it again."

Deruth nodded his head and looked at Violan and his other two children.

"Then it's settled," Deruth said. If Cale is willing to risk it all, he should do his worst and risk everything for him as well.

Deruth placed a huge golden map on the table. Violan sat on the seat beside Deruth, while Lilly and Bassen took the Cale's side.

"This is the entirety of the Northeast." Deruth points to the territories that the Northeast has. Only four families remained neutral and had been following them.

"Northeast is a leaderless leader," Deruth explained. "If we want to do this right, we need forces and resources to strengthen our defenses. The land, the water—the Royal Family has been eyeing the Ubar region for a while now. It has been watching over Chetter's paddy fields as well."

Bassen slowly spoke, "If it's resources, the Ubar region would be a dangerous place to find resources. However, the strategic location is good for creating a naval base."

"We need people."

"Don't worry about people," Cale said. "I will bring you the people."

Cale responded by pointing to the Forest of Darkness and saying, "A high-grade mana stone reserve is located in the heart of the Forest; if we can control it, we will have unlimited resources and money to do so."

"I will take care of it," Bassen said as he stood up and walked away, giving orders to his butler.

"I will limit the sale of marbles and contact with noble houses," Violan said, adding, "We also need to strengthen the knights."

"We need talents," Cale explained, "and I have one in mind, but he is in Whipper Kingdom." Bringing Mueller into the County is Cale's top priority. Eruhaben and Rosalyn would be good as well, but it will be difficult to regain their trust now that things will not be the same as before.

Cale taps the table invitation.

"I would like to take Bassen with me there," Cale said as he moved closer.

"Will not that be dangerous?"

Cale simply smiled again and said, "It is not." It is time for Bassen to take control after coughing blood and pretending to be weak. Of course, it is all part of Cale's third-rate performance.

After all, giving your opponent the satisfaction of camaraderie, words of endless friendly praise and justice, and building trust before dragging them down to the mud after they soar high and mighty would give Cale the most satisfaction.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed occasionally with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

For the wretched earth, there is always a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. But it won't be the same sun.

A different sun will soar and brighten the sky.

People will live in freedom, in the garden where no bastard would suppress them. They will walk behind the plough-share. Put away the sword. The chain of suppression will be broken and all men will have their reward.

Bassen should see what kind of men will be in that place.

I'll soon see that bastard again.

Cale smiled and said, "Having two heirs to the county would be good for the fronts."

Cale intends to showcase what Henituses are.


"Yes, father."

"Be careful in choosing your people," was Deruth's warning to him.

So ironic. He failed to choose a good one and suffered retribution.

"Yes, father." He knew, "I will choose my people carefully."



The day of departure came with Bassen and Cale standing side by side in tow. They're both wearing the golden turtle insignia. If one knew the meaning of this, it means that both of them have authority equal to the other.

They'll be moving with such a small but grand envoy. Of course, the First and Second Born will attend the banquet together. Not only that.

"Bassen," Deruth approached them, "no matter what happens, do not leave your brother's side."

"Yes, father," Bassen replied. "I have the feeling that Hyung-nim's side would be the safest place there," he said as he watched Cale ride the carriage.

"Right," Lilly said, "I would like to come too, but..."

"You are too young," Cale said lazily from the carriage, "Let us go?"

"Yes, Hyung-nim," Bassen said as he climbed the carriage and sat on the other side of the couch. He looked over at the kitten next to Cale. He may suspect they are not ordinary pets.


"Yes, father?"

"Do whatever you want." Deruth's stern voice echoed, "I will take responsibility."

Cale smiled; it was the first time he smiled unbridled with anger or any negative emotion.

"Yes. I'll just be casually flipping places over."

It's time to make Venion Sten suffer once more.

Cale plans on wiping that bastard off the map this time around.

"I don't have time to beat around the bush."

Cale has already planned the most painful way to make Alver Crossman suffer.

I don't need extras anymore.


gore will follow

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