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Nuh-uh, don't blame the boy, y'all.


"Hey!" This voice startled me. I had been minding my own business, and suddenly, a stranger was standing in front of me.

As I glanced up to see who it was, I was surprised to see it was a boy. "Can we be friends?" he asked, and I was immediately taken aback by his sudden eagerness.

To his delight, I enthusiastically accepted his invitation and quickly agreed to his request. After all, I only had two other friends, Minji and Danielle, so an opportunity to make a new one was an instant "yes" from me.

Well, to be honest, I only have two close friends, which are Minji and Danielle. I don't mind making new friends, so it's okay for me to accept this boy's proposal. However, I guess I was a bit surprised by how easily and quickly he asked me to be his friend. I mean, after all, we just barely know each other.

Me and the boy I just met got the chance to hangout together. He seems really nice and fun to hangout with, which was quite unexpected. I didn't expect this to happen due to my previous experiences where the people I first met were so shy and reluctant to make a move or hangout with me, but that's okay as I can understand their perspective.

I'm more of an extrovert myself, so I had no issues in initiating and engaging in conversations with new people.


"So, tell me about yourself," the boy, whom I met recently and goes by the name Jay, spoke. Even his name fits him perfectly, as he is not only handsome but also extremely attractive. Nevertheless, he is nowhere close to being as attractive as Minji, and she will always remain in my heart.

"Umh, I'm 20 years old. What about you?" I replied, smiling widely at him. However, he just kept staring at me directly in the eyes, which became awkward.

So, I waved my hand in order to get his attention, prompting him to respond.

"I guess you're right, I'm just staring at you, because I'm so in awe of how beautiful you are," Jay finally replied.

"Oh stop it," I giggled, although deep down I was flattered by his compliment.

"What? Don't you see yourself? Your beauty is unsurpassed, and your personality is truly attractive," Jay replied, smiling warmly at me.

"Well, you're not so bad yourself," I chuckled, feeling flattered by how he was making me blush.

Jay smirked at my comment and then replied, "Good to know."

Jay and I continued conversing for a while, and I was enjoying myself despite my nerves and butterflies in my stomach. It seemed like he was genuinely interested in getting to know more about me.

Minutes passed....

"May I ask you something?" Jay inquired, tilting his head curiously towards me.

"Sure, ask away," I replied, intrigued by his question.

"Do you have a boyfriend or a partner?" It seems like he wanted to know more about my personal life, and I wondered where this was going.

"Ah, no I don't have but I have a crush which is a girl." I replied.

"Ah, I see. You mind if I ask who that special someone is? I won't tell a soul. I promise," Jay said, looking at me patiently, awaiting my response.


Mhm, I still don't trust him enough so I don't believe him.

"Okay... I respect your privacy!" Such a gentleman like him. Okay, I like him, no like as a friend. Of course I love his personality!

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