Let's Learn More About Each Other And Get Closer As A Band! Again!

Start from the beginning

Kita: "I'm just awful."

Bocchi: "Oh... But at least you managed to play it to compl-"

Kita: "About that, though!"

Y/n: That's... Unexpected?

Bocchi: "Y-Yes?"

Kita: "I just realized, I'm supposed to do the vocals, right?"

Y/n: "Sure. We are the vocalists, after all." That's the roles we signed up for. 

Kita: "Thought so." *She sighs* "I can't sing while focusing my motor control on the guitar.

Bocchi: "I... I see."

Y/n: "That is a problem."

Kita: "I was thinking that it would be for the band if I just sang... But then I wouldn't have anything to do during interludes, and I'd probably start fidgeting on the stage. So..."

Y/n: "So you'll just have to continue practicing."

Kita: *She smiles brightly* "That's exactly what I was thinking! I'll keep working hard until I get to the point where I can sing and play at the same time!"

The bright aura of the two vocalists temporarily blinds Bocchi. 

Bocchi: "My eyes!"

Y/n: "Something wrong, Bocchi-chan?"

Bocchi: "Oh-! Uh, never mind." The power of extroverts is truly astonishing! 

Kita: "But are you sure it's all right for me to sing?"

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Kita: "W-Well, I'm not all the confident in my ability. I'm glad you're with me, that way I don't make a full of myself. But for songs that call for a solo female vocalist... I don't know if I'm enough." *She looks over to Bocchi* "I know! For cases where Y/n-kun is playing, you should sing with me, Bocchi-chan!"

Bocchi: S-Sing with her? On a stage? Full of people?! *She begins shaking her head violently* "N-N-Not happening!"

Kita: "But-"

Bocchi: "N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-"

Kita: Too much? "I'm sorry. Is it that unpleasant of a thought?"

Y/n: "Bocchi-chan is still trying to get used to people."

Kita: "Ah, right..."

Another spectator is a witness to Bocchi's-bocchiness.

Ryo: "Hey, nice one. Is that some new guitar showmanship move?"

Y/n: "Not happening. I feel like my neck is going to fly off just looking at her."

Ryo: "That's pretty metal."

Nijika: "No, Y/n-kun's right. This hurts to look at." *She points over her shoulder* "Now that Ryo's here, let's start out meeting out there."

Kita: "Hai."

After calming down Bocchi, they leave the practice room. 

Nijika: *She sets a sketchbook on the table* "We will now begin our band meeting! Round of applause!" 

She outstretches her hand as if she had just made a command. The others go along with this gesture and begin clapping. Ryo is the exception and sits there idly.

Nijika: "Now, here's today's topic!"

Sketchbook: 'How can we be more like a band?'

Nijika: "Today's question is, how can we be more like a band?"

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