𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

Start from the beginning

Filomena took a breath before she stood up and made her way over to her hammock. At first, she too disagreed with the idea of ​​going back in but she thought it was just because she was concerned about losing anybody else to the Maze but she realized that it was her fear that was gnawing at her and stopping Filomena from going in. However, when she sort of came to terms with it, she realized that Alby was right. She could save everyone and she wasn't just going to let the opportunity slip through her fingers without trying. If what she did would allow Chuck to see his parents again, for all the boys to live happier lives, for Filomena herself to find out what her dreams meant and for all of them to get the answers they deserved, then she would take Minho and Newt being mad at her over being stuck in the Glade forever. Besides, the two were just going to have to accept the news, Filomena didn't plan on living here forever, no matter how safe they were.

As the red-haired teen settled into her hammock, she glanced at the branches above her that cast shadows on the ground around her that flickered and moved as the flames licked at the air. Filomena closed her eyes and slipped into sleep, expecting the dreams and memories of the man's face and the woman's screams however this time she accepted them, determined to find a way out of the Maze and to get answers. Facing her fears was just the first step.


Just as Filomena had expected, Minho wasn't happy when he found out she was going with him back in the Maze and threatened her with his title of Keeper, claiming he could just force her to stay as he was the leader of the Runners. However Alby overruled it by using his own title, first-in-command, and so Minho reluctantly stopped trying to convince Filomena to not go. Even so, he still vowed to be by her side the entire time. 

Alby, Filomena and Minho stood by the Maze entrance at the crack of dawn waiting for Newt to make his way over since Alby had to let him know he was heading into the Maze with Filomena which left the blond in charge while they were gone. Filomena was busy placing two small but deadly knives on her body for safekeeping, one on her thigh holster and the other on the back of the plastron vest that she and Minho both wore over their tops. The red-haired girl had put on her pale green long-sleeved shirt considering it was a cold morning, her beige tank top underneath providing extra warmth. Her hair had been braided into the side of her head so it was kept out of her face, something she hadn't done since being a Runner.

Just as she turned around, she heard Newt call her name, her full name, "Filomena! What are you doing?" The blond teen stopped in front of the three, an incredulous look on his face, mixed with confusion.

"Uh-oh," Minho teased. "Someone's in trouble."

The two teens ignored the comment as Filomena led Newt a few steps away from the other two. The red-haired girl decided to not look Newt in the eyes as she knew that would just lead to guilt filling her body. "I'm going into the Maze."

Newt was taken aback and Filomena knew it. "No, you're not! Bloody hell Filomena, you promised me you'd never go back in!"

"I know, but with Ben and everything that's happened recently, everyone's gotten restless," Filomena explained carefully. "And Alby said that he and I going back into the Maze might be good for everyone's spirits. It would encourage them that something could change for once, for the better."

"Well what Alby said is a load of klunk," Newt snapped, something he didn't do often. "I don't care about anyone else's 'spirits' if you're putting yourself in danger for them. After-" Newt paused for a moment as a certain memory came to mind and he swallowed before continuing. "After I survived the jump, I knew it meant something. It meant that I needed to keep people safe so they wouldn't end up with permanent injuries. Maybe I've done a shit job at it so far but you, Minho and Alby are still alive and that's enough for me."

Filomena was unsure what to say so instead she made another promise. "I'll get both of us out of here, I promise, then you can keep us safe.." 

"Don't make promises you can't keep," The blond mumbled dejectedly.

The red-haired teen stood frozen for a second before a thought came to her mind. She pulled the bracelet that Newt made, off of her wrist before gently grabbing his hand and sliding the yellow and beige woven jewellery over his hand. 

Still holding his arm, Filomena looked him in the eyes that had concern swimming through them and confidently said, "I'm going into the Maze whether you like it or not. I'm giving you the bracelet so that you know I'll come back to you," There was a moment of silence before Filomena whispered. "Keep it safe." With that, she turned away and walked back to the two who were waiting for her with Newt close behind.

"Ready?" Alby asked and Filomena nodded in reply. The dark-haired boy turned to the blond, letting him know he was in charge while the girl and Minho stood facing the Maze entrance. Nerves had started racing through Filomena at the thought of going back into the Maze; the large concrete walls towering over her, the dangerous Grievers around every and just the general feeling of being trapped. Alby stopped talking with Newt as he made his way in between Minho and Filomena. The girl felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she took a deep, shuddering breath and the three ran into the darkness, leaving Newt and the Glade behind.



Idk how I feel about this chapter because I had to come up with what the characters would have said since Thomas obviously doesn't know. I think it came out ok but it might not make sense because I basically piled every thought I had into it .

Also, I know the characters probably feel and sound OOC but I don't really care as I'm trying my best. Alby is probably the most OOC but that's probably only because he's softer with Filomena anyways because they have a sibling bond. please let me know your thoughts so I can fix characters that are too OOC for later chapters or if they're ok how they are. But keep in mind that it just could be the way they act around Filomena.

I'm trying to make sure Filomena doesn't come off as a 'i'm not like other girls' girl but it's honestly really hard because she's stuck being the only girl surrounded by boys so she may seem like that but that's not my intent.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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