Beyond The Stars (Ranni)

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The Tarnished, famed as the slayer of the Elden Beast and the vanquisher of Millenia, Blade of Miquella, had risen to legendary status. His bold act of setting the Erdtree ablaze had marked him as the latest Elden Lord. Stories of his extraordinary feats had spread rapidly throughout the lands, captivating the imagination of all. Yet, since his confrontation with the Elden Beast, he had vanished without a trace. This mysterious disappearance left everyone pondering the same question: Where had the Tarnished gone?

Y/N found himself lost in an unfamiliar realm, his whereabouts unclear. Yet, his focus remained unwaveringly on Ranni, his wife and queen. Since his triumph over the Elden Beast, they had journeyed together through the cosmos, an odyssey that brought wonders beyond imagination. Time seemed elusive in this celestial voyage – had it been a year, two, more? The passage of time held little significance to him. But of course all journeys must come to a pause as they returned to the Lands Between. He lay now in a bed, within a tower that echoed the architecture of Ranni's earlier abode, lost in thoughts of their shared journey.

The door to the room slowly opened, kicking Y/n out of his thoughts as he looks up to see Ranni walking into the room. Y/n's eyes widened with delight as he saw Ranni enter the room. "Ah, there she is, the queen of my heart, gracing me with her presence," he said with a smirk, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, my dear?"

Ranni closed the door gently behind her, a slight smile playing on her lips as she approached Y/n. The room, dimly lit by the soft glow of crystal lamps, cast a serene aura around them. "Your flattery, as always, is as exaggerated as your tales," she responded with a hint of amusement in her voice. "But I see boredom has taken hold of you, my lord."

Y/n sat up, leaning back against the headboard. "Boredom, indeed," he admitted. "It seems the thrill of my adventures has left me ill-prepared for the quiet that follows. I find myself longing for the clash of steel and the rush of battle."

Ranni took a seat beside him on the bed, her expression softening. "It's a warrior's heart that beats within you, ever yearning for the next challenge. But even the mightiest of warriors need their respite."

He sighed, looking into her eyes. "True, but this stillness... it feels unfamiliar, almost unnerving. Yet, having you here, it brings a comfort that I didn't know I needed." Y/n's gaze intensified as desire flickered in his eyes, his longing for Ranni becoming undeniable. Without uttering a word, he leaned in, capturing her lips with his own in a passionate, hungry kiss. Their mouths melded together, tongues dancing in a sensual rhythm, igniting a fiery heat between them.

Ranni responded eagerly, her fingers tangling in Y/n's hair, deepening the kiss with a fervor that mirrored his own. Their bodies pressed against each other, the warmth of their skin mingling, as their mouths explored each other with an insatiable hunger.

Y/n's hands roamed over Ranni's body, his touch setting her skin ablaze with desire. He traced the curves of her form, his fingertips leaving trails of electrifying sensation in their wake. A low moan escaped Ranni's lips, her body arching into his touch, craving more.

The bed beneath them became the stage for their passionate encounter as Y/n's hands found their way to the laces of Ranni's gown. With deft fingers, he expertly undid each tie, unveiling her naked form before him. Her skin glowed in the soft light, a vision of ethereal beauty that stirred a primal desire within him.

As their lips parted, Y/n's kisses trailed along the column of Ranni's neck, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive flesh, marking her as his own. His hands explored every inch of her body, caressing and squeezing, igniting a storm of pleasure that coursed through her veins.

Ranni's breath hitched as Y/n's lips descended lower, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her collarbone, down to her breasts. He worshiped her with his mouth, lavishing attention on each peak, his tongue teasing and circling her hardened nipples, eliciting moans of ecstasy from her lips. With a mischievous smile, she freed Y/n from the confines of his clothing, exposing his hardened length to her hungry gaze. She positioned herself between his legs and took hold of him with all four of her hands, each one playing a different role in their intimate dance.

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