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it's been a week since I auditioned for 'Glass Half Full of Revenge'. still have gotten a callback, probably didn't even get's fine i don't really care. RING RING RING! my phone shouts. i grab my phone and it's my publicist.

"hi harper, so i have some really exciting news!" the redheaded lady yelps from the phone. "ok...spill." i say confused as to what the 'exciting news' is. "you got the part!" she exclaims. i stood in my kitchen shocked, hand covering my open mouth, "harp?" annie asks, "hey you there? hello?" i scream happily. "did they say who else is going to be in it?" i ask her still happy rhat i even got the part.

"um i don't know but just just keep checking your email, mkay?" she answers. "okay, umm hey annie i have to go do homework now so i'll talk to you later." i explain. "okay hunny, call me if you have any questions okay?" she says. i hum in response and then end the call.

i then go on and check my email, and i see one and it's from shawn levy, the director and producer of 'Glass Half Full of Revenge'

Dear Young Cast Members,
I have decided to show you all the castlist to show you who you will be playing and who your fellow cowokers are playing. Please read this:

Harper Newman - Sabrina Alden

Walker Scobell - Blake Barron

Lucas Till - Michael Barron

Momona Tamada - Evelyn Castro

Madeleine McGraw - Mia Tesro

Mason Thames - Alexander Tesro

Emma Stone - Sonya Mannings/High Priestess

Trinity Bliss - Anna Newman

Eva Leighton - Blair Jameson


I will soon update you all when we have completed the castlist. Oh and filming starts in 2 weeks, so pack your bags. We're going to Vancouver!

Best Wishes,
Shawn Levy

i put my phone realizing that i meed to start packing for the flight, i mean i have to be prepared you know?

Two Weeks Later

the time finally came for me to leave and for me to go to vancouver to start filming. since the two week time skip, shawn has added 6 people to the cast. Millie Bobby Brown, Jack Champion, Zackary Arthur, Melissa Barrera, and RYAN FUCKING REYNOLDS.

as i wait to board along with my mother, i go on my phone, i see another post made by that stupid teenshollywood account, who is always in celebrities, like me, ('s) businesses.

"first call to board flight vancouver, canada at gate b11" the intercoms rang. me and my mom stood as she walked to me to my gate we hugged, "have a safe flight, ok? call me when you get there" she explained. i nodded.


as i sat down in my assigned seat, i decided to nod off since it was only a 3 hour flight, i didnt have much to do except sleep. and that's exactly what i did.

——2 Hours and 30 Minutes Later

as i woke up from my beautiful power nap, i realized that we land soon. i didnt have to worry about the hotels and stuff, turns out that it was already set up by shawn and his team but the flight all on our own.


i step out of the airport and i see my uber pickup, which i called after the plane landed. but before i left look behind me, because i hear cameras flashing and crowds talking and slowly forming. it's walker scobell, who's playing my love interest.

the driver hinks his horn, since i'm taking too long and i l oh then rush into the car. "um uber for harper?" the driver nods. i smile back and sit behind the driver's seat and go on my phone.


456,789 likesteenshollywoodnews_ Teen actors, Walker Scobell and Harper Newman, set to star new blockbuster movie 'Glass Half Full of Revenge'

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teenshollywoodnews_ Teen actors, Walker Scobell and Harper Newman, set to star new blockbuster movie 'Glass Half Full of Revenge'. The two actors and actresses are going to be starring alongside Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Millie Bobby Brown, Melissa Barrera etc. . Their roles still haven't been announced nor confirmed but updates will soon be posted.
View all 300,756 comments
;user36482 STFU💯💯💯
user2738819 glass half full of revenge sounds like such a badass title
user2919374 harper fine asf
user1038474 when does the movie come out is my question


we arrive at blue horizen hotel and then again camera flashes and crowds. i then get the great idea to call my mom since i'm already here.

(bold - harper
italic - harper's mom)

hey sweetie! did you get there safely?

yeah mom i'm fine...i'm actually at the hotel now. i just wanted to call to tell you i made it.

ok hunny, i'll talk to you later...ok?

yeah. luv ya.

love you too


my mom hangs up the phone as i walk into the lobby. i show the receptionist the reservation i had, and i got the key to my room.


i rest my hands on the elevator railings as i hear someone shouting, "wait hold the elevator." i obviously hold the elevator doors from closing, as a decent human being it's the least i could do. the unknown squeaky voice gets closer, and i soon realize it's walker scobell.

i stare at him in awe since he looks way more attractive than he did in any of the movies he's been in. i mean he is my celebrity crush but i won't say anything about that. "hey you're harper newman right?" i nod. "loved you in barbie." "thanks...i really enjoyed playing a bratty 13 year old who has amazing style." we both chuckle.

the numbers on the smal elevator screen increase, untill it stop at the number 12, "it's my floor." we say simultaneously. we give each other a questioning look, "they booked us the same floor?" i shrug my shoulders. we both move down the hall way bags in one hand and luggage in the other. we stop at seperate doors, right across from each other and i look behind my back, and i see him waving goodbye at me. i wave back with an upside down smile.


i make myself home in my hotel room, placing my cd player near the tv, which is going to be there for three months or however long it takes to film. i plopped down on my soft ass bed, and i don't even notice mysef smiling at the fact that i interacted with my love interest and it wasn't awkward...well kinda...ok it was kinda awkward but at least we talked...

i can feel myself blushing but for the first time i letyself do it. i hear knock on the door. it's walker, i see through the peep hole. "hey" he says with a slight grin as i open the door. oh my god. OH. MY. GOD. walker scobell is at my door...WALKER SCOBELL IS AT MY DOO-

i wake up...fucking hell, i woke up.


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