Chapter Two

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I pursed my lips, jamming my hands into my pockets. I kept my eyes peeled, making my second lap around campus. I'd been looking for Rosie all day, desperate to ask him some follow-up questions about yesterday. You know, something simple like, 'Who the hell is she?'. I panicked a little bit the other day and got taken off guard, but I've had some time to recoup, gather my thoughts, and now, I have questions.

"Jason! Jason! Hey, wait up!" I was torn away from my thoughts at the sound of my name coming from behind me. I stopped walking and glanced over my shoulder, seeing a friend of mine, Mason, jogging towards me, his backpack falling off his shoulder. When he finally caught up to me, he huffed, narrowing his eyes. "Geez, man, I've been yelling at you for like five minutes. You didn't hear me?"

"Oh, sorry. I was... thinking about something," I said, hooking a hand on my neck. I peered around, still making sure to keep an eye out for Rosie. Mason straightened up, finally catching his breath, and waved a hand.

"It's fine. What were you thinking about? Everything okay?"

I nodded quickly, dragging my eyes over to him. "Yeah. Yeah, sure. Everything's fine. What's up?"

"A bunch of us are going out tonight, so, I was just going to see if you wanted to come," He answered with a shrug. I pursed my lips and nodded.

"Sure, I've got nothing else going on."

"Awesome!" He beamed, dragging a hand through his hair. "See if you can get Nick on board too. I already asked him, but he's being an ass."

"Nicky's not going?" I asked, quirking a brow. Yeah, he usually hates these things, but he almost always went.

"Nope. He said that he already has plans," Mason said with a shrug. I flinched. Plans, huh? "I don't even know why the girls like for him to go. He never talks to any of them; he mostly just fights with you the whole time. I guess he gives them someone to look at and fawn over. Try to talk to him, okay? He's the one that brings the girls in."

"Sure... Do you know where he is?"

"Mm... Try the dining hall. The vending machine ate his dollar and he was trying to shake his snack out. He might still be there."

I smirked, my heart jumping a little bit at the thought of Rosie being so close. With any luck, I'll find him just as he shakes the vending machine so hard that it falls over like he's the Hulk or something. Again. Mason clapped me on the back, and we said our goodbyes as I left to head towards the dining hall. Once I reached my destination, I made my way to the vending machines next to the stairs, the ones that I knew held Rosie's favorite snacks. I could already hear him, cursing under his breath, smacking the glass. I beamed, leaning over the railing, adrenaline pulsing through my body. There he is. "Good morning."

He huffed, dragging a hand through his hair. "Good m- Oh. It's you."

I grinned. There really is nothing funnier than seeing his polite face, quickly twisting into one of pure, unbridled annoyance when he sees me staring down at him.

"Yes, it's me," I said dreamily, lounging across the railing as I slipped down the stairs. "The love of your life, and the bane of your existence. Here to make your day one hundred percent more... sexy."

He curled his lip and made a gagging noise, attempting to jam his muscled arms into the slot of the vending machine. "Ugh. You make me want to vomit."

"Sticks and stones, Rosie."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

I pursed my lips, shrugging. "Well, I can switch it back to 'Pinky', if you want."

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