•The Weirdo on Maple Street•

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"it's ok El, we're getting out of here tonight, I don't know how but I know that we are" he said connecting the mind link so he can talk to her "ok, don't leave me ok?" El says, genuinely not want him to leave her here. . . alone

"obviously El, why would I leave you" 13 says with a slight attitude because why would he leave her, she is all he has "ok good, dont disconnect yet" she says and he complies

after the men threw El in the 1 by 1 room, she got to her feet and stood there looking at the men and heard something tell her to do it now. . . it was 13

she tilts her head and the man's neck snapped and the other is thrown into the wall and El runs to the hallway and is met with her papa at the other end and that caused 13 to help her because there were two men and Dr. Brenner surrounded her so he made himself mad, and through the bottom of the door, he sent a black ball and El used her powers to pull it to herself to use and kill the bad men, without touching it obviously, she would be dead if she did

'go El now' 13 said to her and she complied and ran to his room door and she used her powers to throw the door off it's hinges and 13 came walking out and El said 'come on' and 'hurry' and now the hardest part came. . .

how are they gonna break the wall??

they were met with the concrete wall that was about 4 feet thick "ok El, are you gonna do it or me" he asked already knowing neither one of them alone would be strong enough to break though this thick wall

El had an idea and she usually doesn't but when she does it's a good one "why don't both of us do it" she says and he felt dumb for not thinking of that, so they both looked at the wall he made himself extremely mad and they both aimed for the same point of the wall and hit it perfectly

After they destroyed the wall big enough to walk through, they ran though and right before they left, El found out that she couldn't leave(Remember, Trey has an actual family he lives with but was taken away from for a good 7 years)

"13, wait" El says while grabbing 13's arm, nearly crying "woah, hey what's wrong" he asked scared "I. . . I . . I can't. . . I can't leave yet" El said " why not what's wrong, whatever it is, I'll do-" he was cut off by El hugging him and running back inside 'El you know I'm not leaving without you right' he said in the mind link, apparently he didn't close it '13 please just go, I'll be fine ok, I promise to come back' she said crying while using her powers to fix the wall so he doesn't come through

'El, n-" he was cut off again by El getting too far away from him. . . the mind link closed itself

he decided to walk home instead of run with his sister El home, he was sad now


the girl grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom and Trey was walking to the door and decided to open a mind link to talk to El but was stopped by Mike "what are you doing, let her be in there alone" he said with protection in his voice "man, dont nobody want yo girl" Trey says that and leaves mike dumbfounded and the others snickering

Trey stood at the door,he put his back on the wall next to the door and sat there and to his surprise he heard a familiar voice in his head. . .

'. . . 13?'

he heard El call for him in his mind because she knew what it felt like when the mind link was connected 'hey, sis, how you been' he said in his mind smiling on the outside El was gonna run out but was stopped by Trey

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