I jumped in my car and headed home, attempting to call Harry on the way home but nothing. I sighed, just deciding to take a nap and not think about it.

This was exactly why we shouldn't ever practice at any time but the morning. We had started at 4PM today and it was already 8, neither one of us could ever fully focus at this time.

I laid in my bed after showering, telling myself I'd wake up in 30 minutes to at least eat dinner.

~ harry pov

As I got home, completely exhausted, physically and mentally from my day, I threw my stuff onto my couch and jumped into the shower. I knew I was probably being dramatic today, but it was actually the worst rehearsal we had ever had.

I already felt like I was the worst dancer here, but I really felt it today. It was just so frustrating not being able to ever get it right.

I couldn't blame Rylee for trying to push me harder, but I was really just shutting down. And when I got like that, I knew I had to remove myself from the situation.

I laid on my couch, ready to just have a chill night and sleep early before I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Brett.

"My dude, I checked your location and I was bored, so here I am.. and I come with treats!" He said, pulling out a 24-pack of beers. My eyes widened as I couldn't even remember the last time I drank that much. But with the day I had today, maybe this is what I needed.

I opened the door, letting him in. Brett immediately opening up two cans of beer, passing one to me as I turned on music.

"How's Rylee?" He asked me as I sighed, just shaking my head.

"Hard pass on that question right now." I said, taking a big sip of my beer.

"Oh no, trouble in paradise already.. I told you man." He said, rubbing it in.

"No, we're not not good, just not great right now." I said. Truly, I was just being stupid. I shouldn't even be angry at Rylee, she didn't do anything wrong but do her job. But I was going to be a baby about it anyways and apologize tomorrow.

8 beers in, I began to feel them. I had become a complete homebody since starting this show. I was in bed by 8, waking up at 5 everyday and only hanging out with Rylee. So these beers.. I was truly feeling them right now.

I laid on my couch, just staring at my ceiling, completely blanking out. "Stop thinking about Rylee, man. You're deep in." Brett said, teasing me. But he was right, Rylee did consume my thoughts most of the day. And the only thing I wanted right now was to be with her.

What was I doing drinking this much, she'd be so disappointed in me.. I was just reverting back to my old ways, something I didn't want to do.

I sat up, maybe too quick as I felt that the room began to spin. "Fuck.." I groaned under my breath.

I tried to compose myself before I heard a loud 'thud.'

What was fuck was that.

I looked to my side, seeing that Bean had fallen off the couch and was on the ground. Brett rushed from the kitchen, asking if everything was okay as I picked up my puppy.

"Man, she doesn't look too good." He said, Bean not responding while I tried to stimulate her.

"Fuck.. no, Brett, fuck!!!" I yelled, fear immediately taking over. Bean had to be okay, she absolutely had to be.

"We have to take her to the vet!!" Brett said, stating the obvious. But this many beers in, nothing seemed too obvious.

"I can't drive and neither can you." I said, absolutely not being able to get behind a wheel like this.

"Are there... ambulances for dogs??" Brett asked stupidly as I shook my head and asked him to carry Bean for a moment. I ran to my phone which rested on the kitchen counter, seeing that it was 1am.

"I'm sorry Ry.." I said to myself before calling her. I knew I'd be waking her up. I had ignored all of her messages earlier, like an idiot. I didn't deserve her, she was the best thing to happen to me and I was already ruining it.

"Hello?" I heard her sweet voice on the other side of the phone as she picked up my call. I could tell she had already fallen asleep.

"Harry, are you okay?" She asked me, probably just hearing Brett freak out in the background as I tried to quiet him down.

"Ry, i'm so sorry for calling at this time but I wouldn't have called if it wasn't an emergency. Bean, she.." I looked back at Brett still holding an unresponsive Bean.

"Bean, what?? What happened Harry?" She asked as I heard her scrambling on her side of the phone.

"She fell and she isn't okay. And I drank too much to drive, like an idiot. Can you please take me to the vet? I'm sorry, I'm sorry to even put you in this position." I said, now just scrambling on. But of course Rylee agreed, telling me she would be here in 10 minutes.

"Thank you.." was all I could say as I hung up and ran to Bean. I took her from Brett, wrapping her in a blanket.

"You stay here, sleep it off, do anything you have to do. I'm gonna go to the vet with Rylee." I said, Brett just nodding.

"You found yourself a good one." He said. And I knew I had. I knew Rylee was precious and irreplaceable. I was truly just lucky to have her in my life.

I grabbed any essentials I would need before rushing downstairs to meet Rylee.

She drove up to my apartment building, immediately asking me what happened as I got in the car. "She fell off the couch.." I said, not even knowing exactly what happened to trigger the fall. It was my fault, if I hadn't drank, we wouldn't had even been awake.. and now I held her in my arms, not even knowing if she'd be okay.

Rylee tried to calm me down, telling me everything was going to be okay, both of us not knowing if that was true. But her saying it made me feel slightly better. She squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek before beginning to drive to the closest emergency vet.

Please Bean, please be okay.. 

our beginning // harry jowsey and rylee arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now