Mors Forest

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My name is Jason Holloway. I’m an Eternal. I will tell you the story of how I became an Eternal. Forever trapped in the trees.  

My story begins on October 17th, 1984. Me and my best friend Vanessa Thomas, lived in San Francisco, California. There is this new kid that just arrived at our school named Daniel Fenton. He is weird and always alone. Us three plus 1346 other students that are all haunted by Mors Forest. Our school is called June Jordan high school. Our mascot is a jellyfish. June Jordan Jellyfish. We thought our worries mattered that day. Me thinking about how I need a girlfriend. Vanessa worries about her abusive father. Finally, Daniel with being a new kid. Little did we know that would be the least of our problems. 

My mother woke me up one morning and it was dark. I wondered why she woke me up so early. Then I realized that it was 2 pm. The sun never rose. That was the day the world began to end. If you asked me how I felt that day. I would say I was scared to death. Later that day my phone began to ring. It was Vanessa. “What is happening Jason? I’m scared those kids have already gone missing earlier this week, what is happening now?” 

“I don’t know. I have a bad feeling about those kids. I think they’re dead.” 

“Don’t talk like that! You don’t know that.” 

The thing she was talking about referring to those kids. Was the case of the Mid-Autumn Murders. 4 kids have gone missing in the past week. Janae Fiore, Tomas Sedenko, Samuel Garth, and Vera Price. They are presumed dead. They have been missing for 6 days now. Apparently, the sergeant of the police force, Captain Flowers found body parts on the outskirts of Mors Forest. Nobody likes Mors Forest everyone says it’s haunted. Even the cops won’t go in. The other day I saw Daniel painting in art class, he was painting the Forest. Even though I don’t think he’s seen it. I asked him about it, and he said he had a vision. Mors Forest is alive. They say if you listen closely, you can hear it speak. It also breathes.  

“Vanessa, we need to talk.” 

“What’s up?” 

“You know the new kid Daniel?” 

“Yeah, what about him.” 

“He was painting the Forest in class today. When I asked him about it, he said he had a vision.” 

“What the heck? What in the world does that mean?” 

“Jason! Come down here.” 

“I got to go Vanessa my mom is calling me.” 

“Okay we will talk about this later.” 

My mother told me, Captain Trey Flowers is dead. He was found by his wife Leah Flowers with a knife sticking out of his chest. There are no suspects. 

Every single day, another kid goes missing. Today, it was Ferris Rieleigh a girl that I’ve never spoken to, but she seems nice. Seemed. It’s so weird using past tense for someone I’ve known since grade 2.   

“Vanessa, we need to figure this out, kids keep going missing, there are murders almost every 3 days. We need to do something. The cops are too scared.” 

“What are we supposed to do? We’re just kids. I’m 15 and you’re 16!” 

“You know that kid Daniel?” 

“Yeah, what about him?” 

“I think we need him. I don’t know what, but I have a weird feeling that we’re going to need him.” 

Over the next few days, Vanessa and Jason do their best to recruit Daniel. Their attempts are successful.  

“What’s our plan?” Questions Vanessa. 

“We need weapons” whispered Daniel. 

“What do you mean by weapons? Are you crazy?” Jason exclaimed. 

“You don’t know what is inside the forest. I do. In my visions I hear everything in Latin, but I somehow understand it. Afterwards I have no idea what anything in Latin means.” 

“The last vision I had, I heard, Arbores illas infelicis satis inveniunt.” 

“What does that mean?” Jason asked. 

“I know what it means! My phone says that it translates to the trees will trap those unlucky enough to find them” speaks Vanessa in a worried voice. 

“That’s why we need weapons.” 

The three kids prepare within the next week, if the kids want to find out what is happening to the missing children, they’re going to have to think outside the box. On the night of October 29th, 1984, three kids Jason Holloway, Vanessa Thomas, and Daniel Fenton all head into the dark and dreary Mors Forest. Armed with an axe, a shovel, and a hammer. Preparing for the unknown. 

As the night grew colder and darker, the forest became dimmer and foggy. 

“Arbores illas infelicis satis inveniunt” belted Daniel. 

“He’s having another vision! I have no signal, I don’t know what he said,” cried Vanessa. 

“We need to move on, we don’t have time to wait for him” Jason responded. 

At that moment, Daniel collapses. He all of a sudden begins to slide across the ground, ripping his skin and drawing blood. In the blink of an eye, he is gone. Sucked up underground.  

“Ahhhhhh” screams Vanessa. 

“He’s gone. Is it just me or can you still hear his voice?” Whispered Jason. 

“What is wrong with this place? Are we going to die Jason? Why did you bring us here?” Whines Vanessa. 

“STOP FIGHTING. You both need to focus, if you do not destroy the heart of the forest, then the trees will destroy you” booms a voice from out of the depths of the forest. 

“Who are you? Where is the heart?” Jason yells. 

The voice is nowhere to be found again. As the night moves further on, It grows darker and the hope of surviving this day grows dismal. 

“Jason, I can’t do this anymore I’m heading home” says Vanessa in a shaky voice. 

“Ok be safe. I’m going to continue and kill this forest.” 

“Good luck Jason.” 

A couple minutes later, Jason hears a scream. Vanessa is gone, it’s all up to him now. As he treks deeper into the forest, he notices a light shining from behind a thorn bush. It’s an emerald. He tries to pick it up, but it is lodged in the ground. He has found the Heart. Long tendrils from the roots of the trees begin to snake around him, pulling him to the ground. One by one he slashes them, but he is not fast enough. They pull him into the trees while strangling him. One last scream escapes him before he is gone. 

My name is Jason Holloway, I am an Eternal. Forever trapped in the trees. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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