||🦊Chapter 2🦊||

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The snow tickles my nose as I lay there.  "Are you going to thank me?" Snowfall asks  

"Mmmmm....." "No,"  I say happily 

"Ha!" "Seriously though are you going to?" 

"Nope," I remark

"Oh well, I tried," Snowfall says sounding defeated. Snowfall suddenly pounces on me and pins me down saying "I won't stop till you say thank you." I contemplate whether I should say thank you to Snowfall and decide...

"Thank you Snowfall..." "SIKE!" and I throw Snowfall off my chest. Snowfall lands in the snow and shakes it out of his fur. "why did you do that?" Snowfall presumes while flicking my cheek.

"Because I'm not thanking you." I laugh and walk away sticking my tongue out at Snowfall. Snowfall looks very upset. "Oof!" I walked into Cheerio "Sorry Cheerio." I say

"It's fine," they reply. "Just please don't do it again." they laugh.

"Where were you going?" I ask 

"To the den, you made me drop my squirrel." And Cheerio walks towards the den. I ignore them and keep walking till I find a place where the snow is flattened  and I lay down on the flat snow.

||The fox den|| ( Chervil's pov )Where stories live. Discover now