The Walk of Truth and Sorrow

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Agnilekha POV

Eventually we leave and continue to talk, before a hand grasps onto my arm. I am about the scream, another hand covers my mouth. Fear devours me as I proceed to imagine a kidnap attempt. The force of this person was way stronger than me and I got pulled into the room. I grab Indu's arm for support but we both get pulled in.

Eyes closed, fear instilled me, where are we? Angst filled thoughts race through my head. I slowly open my eyes. I tap Indu's shoulder as she also opens her eyes. We stare at each other for a while before looking at the room which was filled with mirrors and directly in front of us was a table. The table had a small bracelet. The bracelet was a bright blue and and dark green. I grab it quickly, my instincts forcing me to, everything was unknown and panic was growing in both of us. Why did I do that!? Questions spiraled down my brain faster than I could answer. Not like I knew the answers anyway. As I stare stunned at my actions, zoning out, Indu tries to find help or some way to escape.

"Hello, anyone here?" I start to walk around still stunned and on the verge of tears. Why is this happening? Memories of my parents flashback. In the meanwhile, Indu tries to open the door. Warm tears flow down my cheeks, I realize, this is the first time I have ever cried in school. Usually, I was good at hiding my emotions but, I guess not today. Indu continued to look around, still thinking someone was pranking us and tried to find a way out. For me, flashes of cars, blood and crimson red on pure white snow were the only things visible.

Indulekha POV

I was looking to find a way out and find out who was behind this but, no one was answering. I tried to stay calm but it was hard! I turn around to ask Agni if she found something but instead find her crouched down on the floor, her hands and face buried in her knees, silent sobs leaving her mouth as she stays on the ground. I awkwardly hug her as I softly tell her to simmer down.

"Agni, what's wrong?" I ask in a soft voice but Agni stands up leaning against the table, mumbling the words, I'm sorry, please don't do this. I can't help but think, Is it her fault that I'm in this situation, who did this? Did someone do this to her on purpose?  I set my thoughts aside and continue to console her which eventually works, she thanks me and we eventually  start to look for a way out, as I was examining everything but the mirrors, Agni started to check if the mirrors held a key or something like a clue, although I still wondered why Agni was crying, that was a question for another time. As I was searching, I hear the sound of a group of people, a group of boys, I start yelling to get their attention, as I yell, I slap Agni's shoulder a bit to hard as I rotate my head to see her. I see her fall through a mirror.


Indu watches in terror, "AHHHHHHHH!" she shriek as if she were singing a high pitched not, off tune. She panics, her breath hitches, outside Ryouji and his friends come. Indu screaming, desperate for help, bang on the wall as she was unable to spot the door. The boys first heard the bangs but ignored it. Indulekha screamed once again, desperate for help, "Someone please, help! Me, Indulekha and Agnilekha are stuck here!" Few of the boys in the group snickered and left while some stayed back. Ryouji's friend, Rohit yells from outside the door,

"Wait- we'll go and call help!" All the boys quickly sprint to the main office as both of those girls were good friends of theirs and they wouldn't leave a damsel in distress! Meanwhile, Indu starts to get impatient, Where could have Agni gone, this is clearly some type of secret passage!?  Curiosity peaks the best of her and she walks over to the mirror. As she walks in, she trips over something, looking down, she sees Agni's body, but unlike a normal body, half of it was faded, yet, she enters the same mirror.

A Whole New World - MahabharatamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora