Soul Master X Fem!Reader

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Ngl, I do luv the bug ol' goof ball. ☺️


You would sigh heavily. The rain in the City of Tears was really soaking you through, and, unfortunately, you had no other spare cloak. You wondered if you would even be able to find warmth before you'd catch a cold, or worse, hypothermia.

The rain felt like arrows, blunt arrows bouncing off your shell. Each and every drop of rain sent a cold shiver down your spine, which you didn't enjoy one bit. Your body began to tremble, now you had a cold, AND hypothermia, great! Not. You shivered, chattering your teeth as you wrapped your cloak around you, tighter, not that it helped anyway.

"Excuse me but...are you alright?" Came a voice behind you, you whipped around to face the Soul Master. You stumbled back slightly, he was even bigger than you expected! You knew he was large, but not this large! The Master looked down at you, concerned, "I..erm...n-no-" you paused for a moment as your hypothermia got worse. The Soul Master looked at you, realising you were practically shivering to death.

"Follow me, dear, I'll lead you somewhere safe and warm." The Master offered, kneeling down to scoop you up. With no reluctance whatsoever, the Master scooped you up, holding your small body close to his chest. He was...warm, to say the least. You nuzzled your face into his chest, savouring every last bit of warmth he had to offer, though he didn't mind.

You carried you into, unsurprisingly, the Soul Sanctum. It had an eerie feeling, to say the least, as if it was a Haunted Mansion or something. Soul Twisters looked at the Soul Master as he cradled you in his arms. The Soul Twisters bowed to their master, and, surprisingly, you too, to offer a warm welcome to the Sanctum.

The Soul Master eventually put you down on a soft chair, looking at you, "your soaked through...would you like me to get another cloak? I have lots of spares." He offered as you nodded, chattering your teeth. The Soul Master nodded as he got up, walking towards a Soul Warrior, "please, get the madam a blanket." The Master said as the Soul Warrior nodded, teleporting elsewhere.

And eventually, the Soul Master himself teleported off aswell, wow, these bugs sure were interesting. The Soul Warrior returned, holding a blanket. The Warrior approached you, gently placing the blanket onto your small body, "snuggle up and stay warm." The Soul Warrior joked, teleporting off. You giggled.

Finally, The Soul Master returned, holding a cloak, just about your size. He approached you, kneeling down to your height, he gently moved the blanket down, unclipping your wet cloak as he wrapped the clean one around your shoulders, it was...warm? "I heated the cloak up, so it'd be warmer." The Master eventually spoke, ah, that made more sense.

You smiled gratefully, "t-t-thank you...S-S-Soul M-Master." You chattered as the Soul Master chuckled, "no need to thank me, madam. May I know your name?" The Soul Master asked gently, crossing his legs as he sat down, "...(Y/N)" you eventually replied as the Master tapped his chin thoughtfully, "(Y/N) a lovely name..." The Master complimented as you felt heat rise to your cheeks.

You smiled, chuckling shyly, "t-t-thanks, Soul Master..." you replied, practically giggling as the Soul Master chuckled, "please, madam, call me Soul for short, I wouldn't want you getting all worked up over my name, since it's a mouthful." Soul replied, looking away as he scratched the back of his head, chuckling nervously as he blushed.

"Anyway..." Soul finally said, trailing back to reality, "why were you out there getting soaked through?" He asked as you ruefully looked down, "'s hard to explain." You replied, "...I'm not the richest bug in Hallownest, nor the poorest....though I don't have many" you trailed off as Soul nodded, he seemed to understand what you were getting at.

"Understood. Would you like to stay here until you warm up? I..." Soul trailed off, blushing slightly, "...I wouldn't want you catching a cold, nor hypothermia." He spoke up slightly, you smiled, "really? You wouldn't mind?" You asked as Soul shook his head, chuckling, "I'd love to stay here!" You boasted jovially, making Soul blush.

"Brilliant." Soul replied, snapping his fingers, "I'll light the Fireplace, and, unsurprisingly, this is my office. If you want, feel free to look around." Soul chuckled, walking to the fireplace.

The Master made scuttling noises ad he walked, since he had four legs. He summoned a...Soul Ball-? Then he controlled it to fly into the Fireplace.

You sank deeper within the blanket, sniffling as Soul looked at you, chucking, "dear, you have a cold. Would you like me to get you some tissues (Y/N)?" Soul offered as you nodded, sneezing.

Soul chuckled, reaching towards a shelf that had a tissue box on top. He approached you, handing you the tissues.

You picked one of the tissues up, sneezing into it. The Master walked behind the chair, pushing it near to the lit Fireplace.

The Soul Master sat, uncomfortably, on the floor, you looked at him, concerned, " you want the chair?" You asked, "no-! No-! It's alright madam." Soul replied, though you just gave him the eyebrow raise.

Soul admitted defeat, "alright...alright...I'm uncomfortable." Soul eventually spoke, sighing, "why didn't you say so?" You asked, budging to the side so Soul could sit down. You patted the spot next to you as Soul blushed strongly, getting up and sitting beside you.

Soul was weirdly quiet, which made you concerned, "are you alright Soul?" You asked gently asked as he sighed, looking at you, "I- erm...(Y/N)...this may sound a little unusual or quick but..." he paused shyly as you listened tentatively.

"I...I..." he stopped himself, sighing, "forget it, dear. It's ridiculous." Soul sighed, "no it isn't! If it's troubling you then it's not ridiculous!" You reassured as Soul blushed.

He inhaled, rethinking his sentence? "...I wanted to say that...uh...I...I- I like you, I guess..." Soul finally said, looking away instantly as he began to whimper under his breath, blushing strongly.

You stared at him for a while, lost for words. Eventually you smiled, gripping his hand, "Soul...that isn't ridiculous! As a matter of fact...I think I may like you too..." you giggled as Soul whipped around, comically wide eyed.

"R-really?!" He exclaimed loudly, making you smile, "yes! Really!" You repeated after him, taking both of his hands into yours.

Soul lovingly stared at you, which made you laugh. Soul snapped out of his daydream, his eyes darting around as he began to sweat, "m-may I?" He stuttered as you smiled.

"Go ahead" you replied, nodding as you blushed. Soul inhaled, his face lowering to your height. His face slowly shifted towards yours, which made you brace for what was going to happen next.

However, he paused, looking down nervously. You giggled, your hands trailing up to his cheeks, there you forced him into a kiss.

Soul grunted from surprise, though he gave in, melting into the embrace as he lifted one of his hands up, cupping your cheek gently.

You pulled away, gasping for air, so did Soul, funnily. You looked at Soul as he darted towards you slightly, like how you did with him, he forced you into another kiss. You embraced the long kiss, your arms wrapping around Soul's shoulders, and refusing to let go.

Soul pulled away briefly, "s-sorry dear-!" He choked out, "I got too carried away..." Soul apologised, making you smile.

"It's okay...that was lovely, nothing can compare to what I have just felt..." you muttered dreamily, it really was lovely, the nicest feeling you ever felt.

Soul lifted you onto his lap, his face nuzzling into your neck, "I love you, dear." Soul whispered gently as you giggled, "I love you too..." you replied as Soul lifted his head up.

You kissed him for the final time, it was shorter, but sweeter. You pulled away, your head leaning on Soul's chest as you closed your eyes. You felt a gentle kiss get placed upon your head, "sleep well, my little princess, I'll be here when you wake up."




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