Brutal Defiance

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I always thought the sky was blue when I looked above, but I had a feeling that it really wasn't. It was always disclosed as a misconception to all of the children in our land, like the other features in our world.. I never understood that until now. Our four founding lords found that learning the real answer lead to imagination and creativity. There was never any education for children. Only the townspeople, who were older than 18, were able to start education. This meant that children in our land were clueless of the surroundings beyond us. I always felt as if I was different, having the feeling of intelligence that bleed through my mind. I need to make a difference, but I can't just by myself. When Starla, one of my closest friends, heard of my theory, she thought I was completely nuts, ignoring the issue I brought into conversation. Starla was more of a friend to me, she was someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but I staggered to learned that she already had a special someone; therefore, we only remained as friends. She was the only one that seemed different, everyone else seemed to be the same, ignorant and incapable of wanting to learn what was really out in the world. Maybe I'm nuts, but I don't want to be around these people anymore. Even my family is like everyone else. All we do is eat, sleep and then repeat. I try to break the cycle, but it seems stupid to give effort into doing so anymore; therefore, I just started ignoring them like how they did the same to me sometimes. After all, who in the right mind would name their son Dray. I'm just not understood here. I just don't know where I should start. It makes me feel like running away, but that wouldn't solve my problems. Something has to be done in order for change to occur. And I will make it happen!

Libraries are like a second home to me even though I'm not aloud in, Over the door read, "Citizens under 18 may not enter". Growing up, curiosity killed me. I just had to know what was held inside a library.At age 13, I lost control of myself and attempted to break an entry, carrying a pin to lock pick the door, a knapsack filled with useful items and a sword from my dads shop, in which I stole for this mission. In our society, adults, who committed crimes, were sent away to an unknown island and were left there for death and children who committed crimes were punished by giving us another year in order to start an education. Years before my time, it was mythed that a man by the name of Arnold Fredrickson broke into an unauthorized educational building 54 times and was caught by a guard each time. He was the only citizen who didn't get an education before dying and being at the age of at least 18. I knew my plan wasn't smart, but as I said before, the curiosity was killing me. I'm probably the next Fredrickson I thought to myself although, I will be a smarter Fredrickson. I hid inside the bushes as the two guards walked past the door, carrying batons. As they turned the corner, eliminating them from my peripheral view., I staggered to get up and quickly walked to the door. As I approached the door, I heard a whisper of my name. I turned around to encounter my friend Starla. She was enraged about what I was going to do. I could tell that her temper was about to burst, so I quickly covered her mouth with the palm of my hand and retreated from the building, nearly getting caught from the guards as they finished walking the perimeter of the library.

Starla started to complain about my wrongful doing and then I expressed to her why this meant so much to me. Her eyes lit up into tears when I expressed my feelings. Maybe I startled her by yelling. but I asked why she was crying and she said she was sad because I was possibly ruining my life in the view of her mind. At that point, my mind illuminated into so many thoughts. Why did she all of a sudden care? She has a boyfriend and we weren't the greatest of friends anyways. Why? Ughhh... I never will understand girls I stated in my mind. Starla wiped her eyes and started talking to be in an uncongested voice saying, "There is a better idea than trying to break-in. Why don't you talk to one of the people who walk into and out of the building"? I replied,"Starla! I am not going to risk getting an adult in trouble, you know what the consequences would be for them and there is a possibility they will give me a fake answer. I will find a way to get myself in there to find out what our founding fathers are wanting to protect from us, even if it means death for me afterwards. The children should know the truth!

I spiraled into many thoughts, thinking of how I should break-in without anyone catching me, even Starla. I can't have anyone interfering. I decided to go around 4am in the morning when the guards switch. And yes, I have observed the area enough to know what times at night are best to attempt getting in. Once again, I staggered my way to the library. I hid in the bush and then sprinted as I saw the guards head towards the homes in our town. I immediately got my pin out of my knapsack to lockpick the door. The metal lock unlatched. I then grabbed it and hid it in my bag. As I started to open the large squeaky door, the thoughts going through my mind were engraved with fear. I walked in to the library. It was very satisfying to finally get in. In front of me was a thick fabric cloth that was the color of pure darkness. I reached into my knapsack to pull out a candle. The tip of the candle ignites when scraping the top of it with a rough texture. I attempted to scrape it on the ground as fast as I can. Eventually, it lit with a fierce flame. It was finally time to see what hid behind the walls of the library. I slowly reached my hand aiming to pull the fabric curtain. I pulled on it as if I was afraid to see what was on the other side. What I saw did not make sense at all. Why! I spoke out to myself. My eyes saw nothing special, only 4 walls with a small square hole in each one. I was in disappointment. I questioned myself, "are all libraries like this"? How could this be? I started to search around along the sides of the walls. I felt two cracks on each wall. They seemed to be on the same spot of each wall. I pushed the surface between the cracks on one side of the walls. Nothing budged. I then got down on my knees and aimed the candle inside one of the square holes. I got spooked when I saw a miniature statue of a frog. I then walked around to each hole. The others contained an elk, deer and rabbit. I then realized a huge clue. Each founding father was represented by an animal and the miniature animal statues that I found are the same ones that are represented by the 4 founding fathers. What could this mean and what do the founding fathers really do? Although I made this discovery, the question still remained, "why is there an empty building"? I layed down for a moment next to the hole in the wall with the frog sculpture to think. I moved my right hand into the hole and grasp the frog sculpture with my hand, thinking to myself, "why are you here"? I pulled the sculpture which caused a grinding noise to be made. The floor started to lower, creating stairs. I was scared as I started to roll down there into pitch darkness. I frantically threw the candle I had when I started to hear the the grinding noise. I've hit rock bottom. The floor had a cold musky touch that drove goosebumps onto my body. I staggered to my feet and opened my knapsack to grab another candle. I then tried to ignite it by scraping the tip on the floor, but it didn't ignite as it did the first time. I drew my sword out and was prepared for the worst as I started to head into complete darkness. As I held my sword with my right hand, I used my left hand to feel around the area that I rolled into. I felt a door, which was locked. I grabbed my lock pick and finagle to open the door. I then heard a voice out of no where. I remained as silent as a dead fly. I started to think to myself, "I can't get caught now, I'm too close for this to end." The alive, driven figure was literally standing in front of me. I quietly tried to step away to the side of the door, but the figure rubbed against my body, quickly knowing that I was there. Out of pure instinct, I stabbed the figure brutally until I didn't hear it make any noise at all. I just didn't want to get caught. I know too much already!

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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