2 ✦ A burned tongue and tissues.

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Harry's POV.

August 7th, 2009.

A loud bang downstairs made me shoot up in bed. I glanced down at the digital alarm clock on my nightstand.

7:21 AM.

A frustrated groan slipped past my dry lips. I wet them by quickly swiping my tongue over them. I took a couple of minutes to wake up before I sat up in bed, stretching my arms above my head.

Before even glancing at the mirror I could tell my hair was a mess, small strands of hair peeking into my eyesight. I ran a shaky hand through my hair, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I looked down at my lanky legs. It was one of the things she always had something to say about. 

'Harry, your limbs are so fucking lanky. It makes you look like a little boy.'

From that moment on, I wasn't allowed to wear skintight clothing anymore. Baggy jeans, baggy sweaters, over sized shirts. I thought it just made me look not-put-together. But hey, she knew best.

The smell of fresh bacon hit my nose, a smile immediately rising on my face at the thought of my mom's cooking. I rushed to put on some clothes, opting for some low rise Levi's jeans. They were somewhat baggy, only tight around my thighs. I paired it with a long sleeved Nirvana shirt. 


My favourite band in the world. I loved, loved, loved them. The fact Kurt Cobain passed near months after i was born made me frown, I wouldn't let the thought ruin my love for their music.

I skipped down the stairs, the smile on my face only brightening as I saw my mom, dad and sister Gemma sit around the dining table. The backdoor was opened, the summery warmth hitting my skin almost right away.

Mom's head shot up at the sound of my footsteps, her initial smile slowly turning into a frown. "Harry, baby, it's really warm outside. Why are you dressed for winter?" She asked me.

My heart dropped at her words, my left hand instinctively reaching for my right wrist. The cigarette burns were still slightly infected, a toy story band-aid secured over it to prevent it from infecting further. 

My mum's eyes trailed down towards my arms, eyebrows furrowed. She stood up, walking towards me. I was frozen in my place, lips parting as she grabbed my hands. She yanked my sleeve up, revealing the multiple dozens of cigarette burns scattered over my forearm.

My eyes shot up at the sound of a knock on my door. I realized my throat felt dry, making me swallow before answering. "Come in!" I called out, my face slightly flushed from the intense flashback.

The door slowly cracked open, Onyx's head popped through the doorway, a smile plastered on his face. It made me crack a small smile, not quite reaching my eyes. 

"Hey, Hazza." He started. His voice sounded apologetic, almost. But it might've been my mind playing tricks on me. "I wanted to apologize for Niko's behavior yesterday. He was probably just.. tired. Or frustrated with work." He sighed.


My eyebrows furrowed, confused on why he would apologize for his behavior. "It's okay, Nyx. Don't worry about it." I smiled, nodding my head towards the chair in front of me.

Onyx confidently walked through my big office, sitting down onto the black office chair on the other side of my desk. He always looked overly happy, the few times I've actually interacted with him have always cheered me up. 

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