Chapter Sixteen - However

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Maria, I'm fine and you? It smells very delicious." It really did. Bacon was still frying on the stove and the smell of fresh bread was in the air.

"Good, good.  Now sit down, you two, then you can start eating!"

I hesitantly observed the seating arrangement. With a round table it was difficult to keep our distance, but the four of them still managed to put as much distance between them as possible. Either I would sit between Domenico and Riccardo or next to Vito and Matteo. There they were, my hopes of sitting next to Valentino. Nervously, I decided on the latter two, because Matteo didn't look like he was going to explode in the next moment. Riccardo, on the other hand, looked like he was just waiting to kill someone. I quietly wished everyone good morning and otherwise tried not to attract attention. 

Valentino, on the other hand, seemed to unaffected by the tension. He loudly fell into the chair and hit his younger brother in the neck. "Well Riccardo, how was the first night at home? Did you have a blissful sleep?" Riccardo rolled his eyes but said nothing else. Which in turn seemed to motivate Valentino even more. "I heard you two found God? I have to say I'm surprised, I didn't think you were that religious. Nonna will be thrilled when she hears that!"

"Shut up," Riccardo muttered.

"That's right, we haven't said a prayer yet. My mistake. Matteo, would you have the honor to save us from our silence in the morning?" Valentino leaned on his elbows, smiling. He seemed completely in his element.

"God is great and God is good, let us thank Him for our food; by His blessings, we are fed, give us Lord, our daily bread. Amen"

The memory caught me off guard. I no longer heard what the others were saying, but could only hear his voice. Even though I didn't associate it with a bad memory, I still felt cold. Not now, I pleaded with my mind and to my surprise my head listened to me. I could smell the bacon again, could hear Maria in the kitchen and returned unnoticed. All that remained was a little nausea.

"What would you like to eat Josephine?" Vito looked at me invitingly. I hesitantly took some of the bacon and some of the eggs that Maria had put out. Vito surveyed the plate but said nothing. Maria came to me and gave Matteo and me a hot chocolate while the other drank coffee.

"Thank you, Maria," I murmured quietly as I waited for everyone to fill up.

"Is that all you want to eat?" Riccardo's eyebrows were drawn together. Was he angry? Was it rude not to take more? "Maria put a lot of effort into the food."

"Riccardo," Domenico warned, but I had already hastily grabbed a slice of the bread. He was totally right. "Josephine, you don't have to eat."

"No, it's fine. I'm really hungry," I lied and reluctantly bit into the bread. It was definitely delicious, but all I could think about was how I was going to manage to eat it all without vomiting. Only through sheer force of will did I force myself to chew and swallow piece by piece. "The bread is really delicious Maria!"

At first everything seemed fine, but then I noticed the blood draining from my face and my stomach starting to tighten. Please not, I begged but it was in vain. I absentmindedly took the bowl that was handed to me, then the gagging started.


"And are you really feeling well? Should we call the doctor?" Vito sat on the edge of the sofa and looked down at me worriedly.

"I'm fine, thank you." I repeated, but I could have said nothing and it would have had the same effect.

"Are you sure? You almost passed out." I wouldn't have. But I could say that as often as I wanted. "Do you need anything? Would you like something to drink? Tea maybe?"

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