Amelia gives off a pretty smile being calm as ever, "I won't let you die sir, everything is gonna be alright." She says as she slices her hand much to both people's surprise blood pours out and drops into the gapping, bleeding, wound. It's sizzles and steams and the guys cries out but soons relaxes as the wound begins to pulls itself back together.

_______HERO INFORMATION_______
Quirk: Healing Fluid!
Description: The hero's bodily fluids have a healing factor. Though blood is the most potent! She cant use her fluids to heal herself, though she can actually use her stamina to heal her self but she gets extremely tired.
Downsides for hero: after too much use, the hero feels disgusting over the fluid she is sharing, it's like a mental block that makes her nauseous. Though there's also the feeling of light headiness from major blood loss if she continues to use her blood. But if it's her saliva that's being used she's getting dry mouth.
Downsides for the recipients: they feel a burning sensation and then feel a tiny bit energized, before feeling tired.

_________END INFO_________

"There you feel better?" Amelia ask as her wrist steams and sizzles before the cut she did is gone.

The guy just nods before feeling tired, while the police officer looks a bit disgusted but also in awe. Amelia stands up and quickly moves to the other Injured working as fast and as diligently as possible. Even taking swabs of her spit on a cue tip and putting them on small cuts and bruises for the other civilians caught in the cross fire. By the times she's done the villains have been contained, and 14 civilians were healed.

She's thanked a few times and she blushes like the cutie she is and gives off a sheepish grin, "no need to thank me, it's a hero's job to make sure everyone is okay and fine."

Stubby watches with his one eye and if he could smile he would. He's so proud to see her get some good recognition for once, and not be blindsided by her brother. She gives a medical report to the paramedics that arrive on scene and the injured civilians get checked out again to make sure their fine before giving witness statements to the police.

All the while, Amelia is throwing her bandages, cue tips, scissors and other things, back into her purse before letting Stubby back in before she hurries off to her home.

She enters the agency hurry to the elevator scanning her card to get to the apartment floors. Though just as the elevator door is closing, a foot steps into it, opening it back up.

The cat gives off a hiss at the man, it's her brother's PR manager. A tall blond man with slicked back hair and purple eyes.

"Well, well, just the woman I was looking for." He comments coldly with a meticulous smirk as he enters the elevator

Amelia tenses up but stays calm giving a smile, "h-hello Derek, what do I owe the p-pleasure?" She ask as the elevator door shuts and they're both stuck in there as it heads up to the 18th floor.

Derek eyes the dried blood on her left wrist and the cat he so much despises. "Seems you went an played hero again. When you weren't scheduled too." He comments with narrow eyes

She places a hand on Stubby whose fur is all fluffed up and he gives off a slight growl but quiets down as she pets him.

"I just so happened to be in the area of a bank robbery gone wrong." She comments with a small nervous tone, avoiding his gaze as she stares away from him

"Ah.. I see." Derek comments eyeing her still, "you know, Miguel would be.. quite upset to hear you went off and did something alone. I thought you would have learned from the first time but it seems we.. might need to cut back on your hero hours again."

She feels pure rage at those words.

"That was six years ago, I'm better than I was then." She states her eyes narrow at him

"Don't be mad at me, for a mistake you made that almost cost your brother his life and his career. He's just protecting you, and I'm protecting this agency he built. Maybe next time you won't try running head first into battle if you get some repercussions, and don't think I didn't notice the past few years you are getting more brave, I've ignored it for a while but I think it's time to discuss if your the right.. fit for this agency." He states coldly with a cruel smirk

"What's so wrong with me branching out! Why should it matter if I fight alone or with a group. I can handle myself now, better than before. I don't see how it should matter if I went and did medical treatments for injured or stepped in to save civilians during a villain attack or even stopped a villain by myself. I'm 26 not a child." She retorts as the elevator door opens and she steps out before she's grabbed by her shoulder

"I think you've taken what your brother has been doing for you, for granted, who made you? Who do people think of when they see you? They bring up Energizer right? You wouldn't even be half the hero and have half the standing you do without him. I find it disgusting, your like a leech, that I've tried getting rid of for years but everytime I make a move your life older brother steps in. It's.. annoying." He glares at her looking down at the four foot eleven inch woman

She just feels majorly intimidated, after all that's Derek's quirk, to push emotions of his choosing to others, the perfect manipulative asshole.

She just yanks shoulder away from him and marches away, not even bothering to say anything as she just hurries back to her apartment room, scanning her ID getting inside and shutting the door kicking her shoes off, throwing her mask to the floor placing her purse on the kitchen counter before barely holding herself up as she begins to tear up.

*Damn it. damn it. DAMN IT!*

she hates the panic attack she's feeling coming on as her body shakes. She tries and focuses on Stubby who gives off a reassuring purr and bumps his head against hers and her arms trying to look cute to get her attention, to snap her out of his quirks effect.

Minutes pass by, and the ticking of her wall clock is heard as well as the drippy faucet. She calms down and wipes her eyes nuzzling into Stubby.

"I'm.. such a coward." She says in a whisper

The cat gives off a small growl of disagreement and she chuckles giving him a few more pats sitting up.

"Okay, okay stop being mad at me for calling me what I am exactly acting like. Derek's a dick, but he does hold the power to do a lot of damage.. maybe.. maybe I should move away or something.." she mumbles as she opens the fridge and pulls out a whole bottle of wine, "I think tonight calls for a little drinky drinky, I'll even pour you a bowl of milk." She states also grabbing the milk pouring it into a small saucer before putting it back in the fridge and taking her wine bottle to her bedroom, "have a good evening Stubby.." she says tiredly in her usual soft tone as she retreats to her bedroom.

Stubby licks the saucer clean thinking of a million ways he would murder that dog loving blond if he had thumbs.

The Teaching Assistant (A My Hero Academia Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now