Silence is Deafening

Start from the beginning

He smirks and looks around "my turn" he spots a group of girls huddled in a corner " that group of girls right the there. the blond one she's telling the brunette and ginger that she's got tickets to a Harry styles concert, -kay and is going to end up trying catching his attention with a poster that says make me Mrs Styles. But the ginger is telling her that she has no chance. He doesn't like blonds, he likes brunettes,male brunettes to be exact. The brunette girl is to busy texting her bf to pick her up cause she wants to-."

I sit there stunned to speak, is a man really talking about Larry?
A one direction ship that most men don't even know exists. That's crazy. He must have realized I was shocked because he turned bright red. And stood up twiddled his thumbs and then reached a hand out I grabbed it and soon he was dragging me through the crowd. I was going to ask him where we were going when we reached wat I can only asume is the destination. It's a tiny little restaurant in the mall called "De La Luna" terrible name isn't even proper but it's cute none the less. I just released he was trying to have us seated. I turned

" what are you doing?"
"Im getting you lunch" He said.
"No, you don't have to im not hungry." That was a little lie as we walked in I smelled freshly baked cookies and since then my stomach was silently grumbling.

He looks at me like he doesn't  believe me.
"Is it the place? If its not good enough we can go somewhere else. I don't know where girls eat typically so I thought this was fancy but now that I'm looking at it I should have chose some were more."

Oh my god he thinks this isn't fancy enough!??! It's not that I just don't like people paying for things and I also do not like eating in-front of people.

"No it's not about the place I'm just not hungry and I don't want you waisting your money on a place that only sells air."

The waiter huffs as if to tell us that he's right there. We know.
"No your eating something we're do you want to go. I may be a 'dick' but I am at least an occasional gentleman."

He's not taking No for an answer is he.. "I have a better idea" he stated and pulled me out of the restaurant and we headed to the elevator it was out of order. And I look at the steps and groan. Worlds worst day to ware heels.

I look at Caro and he closes the space. Lifting me off my feet by the back of my legs and wrapping his arm around my waist. Next thing I know  he's off to the stair well and is walking up the stairs.Me in his arms. I don't like being held ever so move around trying to have him put me down. "You know if you would stop squirming we would be up there by now my main issue is trying not to drop you."

" you picked me up without warning and you should put me down I'm too heavy to be lifted anyways." He stops on the 1 floor landing and looks at me with the most mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen Beautifully grey like clouds before a thunderstorm storm. "honey, if your heavy then I'm the fucking hulk, I could walk with you for hours in my arms and not get tired you just move so damn much ." He sets me down on the ground gently so both feet are steady. He seems pleased with himself so punch him In the arm.  Then shift my shirt back to normal  "don't ever pick me up again."  My head is down so i didn't have time to react. He quickly grabs my arms be side me and pushes me up against the wall so that my back is flush against it and his body is less than inches from mine. I keep my head down I don't want him to see how I feel in this moment. He bends over it's just us in here no one at all. "Elizabeth. What would you be able to do to stop me? Don't you remember last time we were in this position." He's taunting me. There's the confidence. But this is different I have this feeling... heat rising all over me. He's intentionally turning me on and I don't know why, it's working. "Oh and what position are you referring to. The one where nothing happened?" He leaned back so that our eyes met.
"something would have." he was looking at me like he was hungry..
I look from his eyes to his mouth. And back to his eyes. He's so damn attractive. A perfect jawline. He has the softest looking hair I've ver seen in my life. The little stubble not a lot It looks like he shaved yesterday. He took one of the hands that were on my side and grabbed the back of my neck guiding, pulling me in to kiss him. Deep and needy. It was like he was aching. I matched his moves. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating. In seconds my arms were over his shoulders grabbing his hair intertwining around strands wanting for more, practically begging. He pulled my body close, his hands traveling up and down my body from my chest to the top of my ass. My body was pressed against his, and our body's were radiating heat. He lightly bends down sliding his hands to the back of my legs and goes to pick me up I freak a little and pull away. Ruining the mood. suddenly I'm cold like our separation put Icy water on the hot flames between us. He looks at me with a worried face and furrowed brows  "Did I go to far?"

Trying to catch my breath that short minute felt like eternity. It was amazing. Even when I was with my ex Ryan I never felt this never with anyone. 

" no, I just- I forgot to ask Where did you say we were going."  Did I really just change subjects? That was so stupid! I'm going be thinking about this exact moment later.

" good, I wouldn't want to scare you off so soon. I'm going to take you to get lunch but not here,it's at a local bakery" thank god He didn't make this awkward by asking more questions. What was I supposed to say 'no it was amazing we should do it again next time with less cloths?' I can just imagine what he looks like shirtless I mean I already saw him in a compression shirt this morning. Ughhh great now I'm over thinking and turned on. I shake my mind of those thoughts. I didn't even realize he had stepped back so I did the next best thing,
"Lead the way!"

"You know what food does sound nice." I said playing along. He grabbed my hand and we went to the car. He drove for a good 10 minutes telling me about the town. It's such a small place bustling with life and rich roots. By the time we got to the bakery I was beyond hungry. I stepped out on to and old concrete sidewalk it was slightly cracked. Not paying any attention I slightly stumble. Caro catching me. Damn I keep ending up in this man's arms. I don't even know why but it feels right.

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