《Chapter 2》

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꧁~Y/n's POV~꧂

Just as Sarah and I take a break and chat a little, the door flew open. Both of our heads turned to look at who opened the door. But of course, it was Peter. He probably wants to deliver me his homework. Sarah got pissed off immediatly. Peter grinned at me, holding the stack of multiple papersheets in the air.
"Stop forcing her to make your homework, goth boy." Sarah said. And I see Peter's grin turning into a frown. He invited himself in, and went to my desk.
"Oh fuck off, Sarah. No one wants your opinion." He said, slamming the papers down on my desk. I let out a sigh, and stare at the devided stacks of papersheets on my desk. My stack wasn't even half as much as Peter's.
"I swear you're giving her more homework on purpose! Can't you see we're having fun right now?!" Sarah yelled at him. Somehow their brother-sister fighting was amusing sometimes, but I try my best to keep myself from smiling.
"Chill out. It's not like she doesn't have to finish them all until tomorrow. Just almost all of them." Peter said with a smirk. Even a toddler would notice that he's being extra cocky.
"But, knowing what a pathetic nerd she is, she'll probably has them all finished up until tomorrow already." His smirk turned into a grin. I take hold of Sarah's arm to make sure she wouldn't get another outburst just like earlier this morning in the cafe. Peter then looked down on my desk. I had a few rough sketches laying there. He grabbed one of the papers and holds it up to his face.
"Your artstyle is seriously this bad? Oh man, even a three year old would draw better." He said, handing me the paper he picked up. I stare down at it, easily noticing it was the sketch I did yesterday night, but never got to finish it.
"It's just a sketch." I explain, keeping my own voice calm and collected. Sarah looked at me. She seemed a little confused when I spoke so calm. I shrug it off, and watch Peter leave my dorm with a loud slam of the door. I could hear him chuckling while he walked away. I look back to my desk, and at the homework he gave me. I let go of Sarah's arm and stand up to go to my desk.
"So. From which classes did he give you homework?" She asked, curiousity audible in her voice. She stood up aswell, and followed me to my desk. She glanced over my shoulder, and onto the sheets.
"Uhm.. All kinds.. I guess. I mean, he gave me math, history, english, physics, biology... wait we got homework in p.e..?" I ask myself. A bit confused. I somehow didn't hear our p.e teacher mention something of homework. Probably because I talked alot with Lucy...again.. I shrug it off, and and put the stack away.
"Well.. that's quite a lot. I can do your homework, if you want. I didn't have much more than you did. I bet I can still handle this small stack of yours." Sarah offered, Looking through the papers to see how much sheets there were. Probably not more than 20.
"Only if you want to.. Really. I don't want to force them on you." I say to her. Sarah gave me a confident nod, and picked up a pencil. She grabbed the first sheet and started writing down the correct answers to the questions.

꧁~Time skip~꧂

After what felt like years of just writing, I finally finished Peter's homework. Sarah had already left an hour ago, but left her Tetris at my home to practice a little. I was a real shitty Tetris player compared to Sarah.. I chuckle at the thought, and put Peter's homework away. Sarah had a similar handwriting to mine.. I don't think the teachers would notice the difference. Since I had been doing Peter's homework since the beginning of 8th grade, no teacher could ever suspect anything anymore. I grab my folder, and put my homework neatly into my folder. I place my folder besides my bag, and let out a deep sigh.. I am a bully's victim. Rather I want to be that or not, fate decided for me. I check the clock. 10 pm.. And I somehow still didn't feel tired. Like, not at all. I grab my phone, and stand up from my chair. My ass hurt from sitting. I put out the lights and walk over to my bed, and flop onto it. My face landing straight inside my pillow. I roll myself over to stare at the wall. I take my phone, and put it on. The bright lights hurting in my eyes. But I don't really care.

꧁~Time skip~꧂

Next morning, every 9th grader got free, due to lack of teachers. When I saw that message this morning, I was happy. I just turned back to sleep. As it is now 1pm, I'm very awake. I still get up, and grab Peter's homework. He didn't need it today, but I decided to still deliver them to him. I get just brush my hair and change out of my pj's, into something else. I grab Peter's homework and my keys and got out of my dorm. I look around for a second. I had never been to his dorm before. But he told me his dorm room number is the number 081. I look around for a bit, until I finally found the door saying 081. I knocked on the door gently. I could hear some sounds that sounded like he felt on the floor. He then soon opened the door with a cigarette in his hand.
"Oh. It's you." He said, sounding a little annoyed. He leaned against the doorframe. Showing off his height. He's like.. probably 6'4. [Yes I know it's canon]
"I uhh.. I have your homework." I said to him. Before I could notice it, Peter grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the dorm. He closed the door after himself.
"Don't say that out loud in public, you little fucker! I don't care if anyone was near, but literally ANYONE could've heard it. I got caught with it in 7th grade. And if you get yourself caught, I put the blame on you. Understood?!" He asked, sounding mad at me. I nod and extend my hand which held the papers. Peter snatched them out of my grip immediatly and read over them. He took a drag from the cigarette, and exhaled the smoke through his mouth.
"Uhuh... You're free to go nerd." He said and opened the door for me. Not looking up from the paper. I nod, and then walk out of the door. Just when I'm far enough away from the door, he slammed it shut. I let out a sigh, and walk back to my own dorm.

꧁~Peter's POV~꧂

I stand in my room. Listening to the sound of Y/n carefully closing my door. I take a last drag from my cigarette, and exhale the smoke through my nose. Before I then put it out on the ashtray I have next to my window. I grab the papers and stare at her answers. Her handwriting is so beautiful. A hundred times better than mine. A billion even. I smile to myself, and place the paper down on the desk.

꧁~Y/n's POV~꧂
꧁~Time skip~꧂

Tk, Sarah and I wanted to go to the city today. But for some reason, Sarah kept on asking us if we could being her brother. Tk got a little annoyed by the constant repeating question.
"Why do you want to bring Y/n's bully? I can understand he's your brother, but I don't want him going back to bullying her again today." Tk said. I was a bit suprised by his sudden annoyance. I look at him, and then back at Sarah. Waiting for an answer.
"First of, I want him to stop bullying Y/n. By trying to get him to like her when he spends a day with her could maybe change his point of view. Second, Peter would probably just end up cutting himself again if he's bored." Sarah explained. Tk and I look at Sarah a little shocked. I let out a sigh, and end up agreeing on bringing Peter.
"Alright.. We'll let him join us." I say while nodding. Tk crossed his arms, still a bit annoyed, but he agreed aswell.
"Fine. He can come. But if he even dares to hurt Y/n in the slightest, I will punch him." Tk said firmly. I start to laugh a little.
"Even if. Peter would manage to beat you up before you could even try to hit him the second time." Sarah and I chuckle, and Tk rolled his eyes.

| ⬆️Word count: 1487⬆️ |

꧁~| Authors note: |~꧂

I'm sorry that this took so long. I barely had any time to write. And I changed the cover..

★~Goth Peter x Y/n {{Female}}~★Where stories live. Discover now