⌊Chapter 16⌉

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Atlantis entered Black Tower at the front, heading toward the back door to a small parking lot that she had said to meet Anthony. The back parking lot was closed in by a gate that Atlantis didn't have a code to, so she was practically forced to go the long way. She knew how she wanted to confront Anthony, but she was also aware he wouldn't give her his patience to hear why she did what she did. Atlantis knew more than any other coworker of hers now. Frankly, she was a bit nervous about sharing that information with Anthony. She wasn't lying when she said he wasn't a 'bad guy,' but he also tried way too hard to please Blake, just for it to never work.

Ergo, this whole plan could end with Anthony turning in Rich and Andy, but Atlantis wanted to trust he wouldn't do that. That was all she could do.

As she made her way into the back part of the tower, Atlantis pocketed her hands and kept forward, ignoring anyone who might have looked her way or tried to talk to her - she didn't have that kind of time. Atlantis was well aware that Anthony wouldn't care enough about this to wait for her after his break ended. The corridor leading to the back door was dark like it normally was, but Atlantis didn't need the lights to see where she was going. She made it to the back door and pushed it open, finding Anthony leaning against the dark tower wall, smoking like he usually did.

"Honestly I didn't think you'd actually show," Atlantis said, walking over to him and letting the door shut behind her. Anthony shrugged.

"I want answers. I want to know why you did that - helped Alann. You're supposed to be on our side," Anthony replied bitterly. Atlantis was used to his constant mild anger that didn't root from much of anything, but she could understand why he was so upset. Atlantis would have been too.

"I want to tell you why, but I know you'll only get more upset... so... hear me out?"

"Oh, I'll hear you out, but I'm hoping not to hear a shit excuse."

"It's not. I promise."

Instead of answering, Anthony fell silent, waiting for her to explain. She clasped her hands in front of her, moving back and forth on her feet ever so slightly. "Alann, he- he never killed Aaron. He never killed anyone. Neither did Wannet."

"Now you're defending them."

"Because they did nothing wrong," Atlantis repeated. "Look, I know that you want to make Blake happy, but you can't. Catching Alann will never be enough for Blake - nothing is, and you know that. So would it be so awful to just listen? And I'll explain the truth to you, because it seems that you haven't looked into the Alann and Wannet case that much. Have you?"

No answer arose from Anthony.

"I'll take that as a no," Atlantis crossed her arms, moving her head to the side, watching Anthony, trying to read his eyes. "There's no good, hard proof that Aaron was killed by those two. The cops never looked too much into the scene. All they saw was Aaron, dead, with Blake, Alann, and Wannet - the latter two holding a knife. Of course they believed Blake, because he was a 'credible' source just because Aaron was his dad. And why would a sixteen-year-old boy kill his own dad? And then his brother? Just for a sliver of power in this ever-expanding world. He is just a grain of sand in the sea. So why would he do that? Because power is power and he had none. Alann and Wannet never even met Aaron."

Anthony narrowed his eyes, removing the cigarette from his mouth, holding it between his index and middle finger. "And how would you know that?"

When Atlantis didn't respond, Anthony's expression darkened. "You... you're taking his side, aren't you?!"

"Anthony, it's not-"

"What, 'it's not a big deal?' It sure as hell is! It's fucking treason!"

"You said you'd hear me out!" Atlantis's voice rose.

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