(S1.) Escape to/from Atlantis!

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During the voyage undersea, Dewey is irritated about Scrooge's cautious measures on keeping the group out of danger. He comes to believe that Scrooge doesn't consider the children, particularity Dewey, as explorers. On the water's surface, a tanker carrying Glomgold's group (consisting of himself, Donald, and mercenaries Gabby, Hack and Slash) detect Scrooge's submarine. Donald discovers that Scrooge and the boys are on board the submarine, and threatens to punish them once he finds them; Glomgold misinterprets Donald's words for actual threats and agrees to this plan as he decides to follow the submarine down to the city. After passing through several underwater obstacles due to Dewey tampering with the map, Scrooge's submarine reaches Atlantis. They discover that the city is upside-down since the city had collapsed on its own support structure, and begin exploring.

When Glomgold's group arrives after them, Donald realizes that Glomgold could kill his family when he gets the chance. He secretly hinders the attempts on their lives and convinces Glomgold to spare Scrooge so that they can torture him later, to which Glomgold agrees. Due to Dewey's over eagerness, he tries to cross a bridged boobytrapped with flame throwers as Donald tries to protect him from ruins' trap. When Scrooge tries to go after him, they end up getting separated from the others as the flames finally burn the bridge apart. They watch Glomgold overhead reach the chamber and claims what appears to be the Jewel of Atlantis.

Dewey notices Donald within the group and confronts them believing that Glomgold had his as a hostage. Scrooge pins down Glomgold, and after a brief exchange Glomgold admits that he was using Donald to get close to Scrooge and has his henchmen hold Donald hostage, forcing Scrooge and Dewey to let the evil duck to escape with the jewel. Glomgold then has Gabby throw her sai the 'top' causing the room to flood with water as the trio are trapped inside to drown. As Donald futilely tries to plug the holes, he blames Scrooge for recklessly endangering his nephews to rekindle his adventuring spirit, comparing their situation to a past incident with the Spear of Selene, to which Scrooge denies responsibility. Dewey realizes his over eagerness has endanger Scrooge and Donald and tries to apologize for his action; he then realizes that the jewel Glomgold took was fake as the room was still fully powered and sees the real jewel is right above them. Dewey grabs the jewel with Scrooge and Donald's help, stopping the water flow. In the commotion, Glomgold leaves his lackeys behind to escape with the jewel. The trio regroups as they find the rest of the team defeating Glomgold's henchmen. In his submarine, Glomgold fires missiles at Atlantis, causing the city to crumble; however, everyone (including Glomgold's henchmen) escape in Scrooge's sub before Atlantis is destroyed. Back in Duckburg, Glomgold is attending a meeting with the press over how he has uncovered the Jewel of Atlantis. However the press is interrupted when Scrooge arrives with the real jewel and offers to use it as a power source for the city. The media celebrate Scrooge's return to adventuring, while Glomgold suffers the curse of his jewel by getting caught by a massive tentacle.

Seeing the boys' responsibility and how well the boys bonded with their uncle convinces Beakley and Donald to allow the children to accompany Scrooge on further expeditions. At that moment, Donald's houseboat explodes due to Dewey's earlier mishap, so Scrooge offers to let them all move in McDuck Manor. While Donald has his boat moved into the manor's pool, Scrooge and the kids reorganize the garage's artifacts. Dewey comes across the portrait from before and notices a tear covering a female duck fighting with Scrooge and Donald in the scene, whom Dewey recognizes as his mother, Della Duck.

Later that night, Sauron, disguised as Scrooge McDuck looked around to see everyone had fallen asleep, began to work on phase two.

Scrooge pulled out The Ancient Scroll of The Shen Gong Wu and opens to see the second Shen Gong Wu that has revealed itself; The Two-Ton Tunic.

Scrooge: Ah, the Two-Ton Tunic. Whoever wears it, will activate its impenetrable armor. When activated, the Two-Ton Tunic could block all sorts of attacks.

As quietly as a mouse, Scrooge summoned a portal and went through it.

Now, Scrooge found himself in Venice, Italy (Docks). Scrooge turned back into Sauron and searched high and low until he found what he seeks.

It was a brown-colored tunic. Its sleeves are half light brown and half dark brown at the end. The collar was colored with a stripe of light brown that continued toward the end of the tunic and surrounded with dark brown at the collar.

It was the second Shen Gong Wu, the Two-Ton Tunic.

It was the second Shen Gong Wu, the Two-Ton Tunic

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Armor Transformtion - The tunic can temporarily transform into armor capable of blocking all sorts of attacks.

Indestructibility - When activated, the tunic can't be destroyed, not even the Fist of Tebigong can break it.

Mala Mala Jong Creation - When used with the Heart of Jong, it gave birth to Mala Mala Jong.

Sauron smiled evilly as he held the Two-Ton Tunic in all its glory.

Sauron: Yes! The Two-Ton Tunic is mine!

With two Shen Gong Wu found, Sauron still has more Shen Gong Wu to find.

Ducktales (2017) Meets Lord Sauron.Where stories live. Discover now