
Kanzia's pov:

(Yeah, you read that right. We're going into the pov of the one and only bringer of death.)

I was prepared for battle, but then again I was prepared for any battle. I was the best there was, there's no doubt about that. My training was hard but I pulled through very quickly and increased my training every day. I knew I'd beat these fish lovers.
"You know what to do?" Vijaya asked me and I simply nodded.
"Kill the chief's daughter," I said as I looked at her and smirked, "should be easy enough."
"Of course, she's a fifteen year old, spoiled little brat," Vijaya said and chuckled, "no one could ever beat you, let alone some pretty princess with a loud mouth."
"That's true," I snickered, "this is just like a regular afternoon. Easy peasy."
As expected the army of the Metkayina submerged from the water below, shooting arrows and throwing spears at us. Some were hit, most got away. What they didn't know was that we were already aware of their plan and Varang had given permission to let them bring the Sully's back unscathed.. as long as one of the group died and thanks to Ri'han the little Asherah was on the top of that list.
I could spot the girl from across, standing on the Skimwing behind her older brother as she shot arrows into her targets. She could only thank her skill in archery because of the Omatikaya that lived with them. She was rather good, but I knew it wouldn't save her.
I could've easily shot an arrow myself, thrown a spear or a blade and hit her in her neck.. it would be the easiest way to succeed, but it just wasn't me.
I needed the fist fight, I needed to chase them, to have them fear me.. it brought me great pleasure. Watching people cower and piss themselves when they realized that I would kill them, it was like music to my ears to hear them plead for their lives. And, oh, did I plan on having fun with princess Metkayina.
"This is where the fun begins," I chuckled softly as I grabbed my dao sword tighter in my hand and ordered my Txenlúa to charge forward. I needed to get the princess separated from her brother, who was a natural at riding his Skimwing.
As I was about to reach the princess of the Metkayina her older cousin got infront of me and managed to cut my Txenlúa in his face, the screech like scream he let out was something I could feel due to our queues being connected.
I grunted in pain as my Txenlúa opened his mouth to breathe fire at the woman. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the fire in the back of my Txenlúa's throat, I smirked at her as she was so distraught. I quickly swung my dao sword op and managed to make an enormous deep cut on the side of her face, cutting all the way to the corner of her mouth, like I was making her smile.
She screamed in pain which made her father, the one I knew to be a Skimwing trainer and brother to the Tsahik, yell out her name in fear.
"Re'ylä!" He shouted as he immediately leaped forward to get his daughter out. I laughed at his stupid response to save his daughter even though he knew in how much danger he would be, I grabbed one of my throw blades and just as I aimed at the Tsahik's brother my blade was suddenly shot from my hand.
My eyes widened in shock for a moment when I traced to who shot it out of my hand. It was the Metkayina princess, Asherah. She had a proud smirk on her face as her cool eyes met with my red ones, I hated that there was no fear in her eyes when she looked at me.
I couldn't even care about Mo'iki getting his daughter away and to his sister, the Tsahik. No, Asherah had made herself my target, I was willing to kill a bunch more of these fish suckers, but now I was determined on hanging her dead, burned body in her family home.
I was about to charge forward when they suddenly dove below the water, I wasn't a great swimmer, there wasn't a lot of water where I came from, they tried to drive me down to the place where they'd have the advantage. I would eventually get her, I just wouldn't follow two warriors down into a watery grave. I needed them separated.
"That's the one!" Vijaya suddenly said as she reached me, covered in blood from the enemies she'd already killed.
"What?" I asked her confused.
"That war machine guy I told you about!" She said pointing at a young boy with a haircut that resembled a mullet a little but, "Zeoay, he's called.. he's Asherah's boyfriend or something."
"Now that I can work with," I said as I watched the young boy swing his spear around, it almost looked like he was performing a dance, fighting my people off so swiftly. Ri'han was right, this boy was a war machine, even I was impressed.. but I could see his flaws, how he didn't properly protect his sides, how easily he could be jabbed with a knife a few times, how he hardly looked back, if there was someone who were to fight a little less honorable he could easily be stabbed in the back. His left ankle seemed weaker than the right and his stance was a bit wonky, despite being good he still had a lot to learn. I didn't want him to learn that, I wanted to end his life.
But first I needed him as bait. If this boy was the boyfriend of the chief's daughter he would be a very valuable prisoner.
I had my mind set on getting him, so Asherah would come to save him.

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