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Ri'han's pov:

"What've you got?" Vijaya asked me, "you told Anzu that you had important matters that needed to be delivered to Kanzia."
"Why couldn't Anzu do that himself?" I asked Vijaya as she rolled her eyes.
"Because he works for Varang-"
"-We all work for Varang," I said stern and sighed, "but if I have to tell it to you, I will."
"You're still pissed that I left after our one night stand?" Vijaya asked me as I narrowed my eyes at her, "you still have to prove yourself a capeable warrior before I'm willing to become your wife."
"Fine," I scoffed once more and I crossed my arms, "Toruk Makto and his family are returning from the Omatikaya," I said which made Vijaya chuckle mockingly at me.
"That's your big news? A grandpa who hasn't ridden a Toruk in ages is coming back here?" Vijaya laughed, "you're getting weaker."
"No, I wasn't done," I said, "the Metkayina are planning a fight with you, but it will be a cover for their actual intentions.. you see: Toruk Makto and his family will be staying at the small island where former leaders Ronal and Tonowari are, from there they need passage to Awa'atlu but we are around their borders and know we can fly too."
"So they'll divert our attention to the battle so they can sneak in," Vijaya said and smiled, "keep this up and we'll be mates before you know it."
Something about the way she said it didn't make me feel as excited as it used to, it actually pained my heart to finally hear her say those words... but why?
"So, how's it going with getting in the loincloths of the chief's daughter?" Vijaya asked me, I searched for a trace of jealousy on her face but was met with nothing.
"She tried to kill me," I answered, making Vijaya frown confused at me, "but I do have Toruk Makto's granddaughter wrapped around my finger."
"Which one? I hear he has multiple," Vijaya scoffed.
"Neteyam's oldest daughter, you know, the son who was supposed to be Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya clan," I explained, "the son that killed the general of the Sky People that were hunting Tulkun."
"I've heard multiple stories, in one that son even died of a gunshot," Vijaya said and I shook my head, "you're not lying to me now?"
"That's a lie, he would've been killed if Miyara didn't take that bullet," I said, "she still has the scar on her shoulder to prove it."
"The Tsahik? We underestimated her," Vijaya grunted, "she killed my brother."
"I thought with Aonung gone it would've been easy to kill Kaoru without drawing attention," I said, "she always looks so weak, she sounds weak.. I couldn't have imagined she would do something like that."
"None of us knew," Vijaya said, "but don't worry, Miyara the pretty Tsahik is on the top of my killing list. Now, how come you can't make the chief's daughter fall for you?"
"She's got a thing for the son of their best warrior, Zeoay he's called, although she doesn't realise that herself just yet," I sighed, "he's young but he's something else, Vi, he'll become dangerous if he keeps this up.. he already is dangerous. I've seen him cut down a dozen of our man like it was a normal afternoon hobby."
"Snuff him out," she said, "we need to kill one of the chief's kids, I'll talk to Kanzia about luring the chief's daughter away so she can be dealt with."
"Good, otherwise she will show up one night and cut my throat," I said.
"We can't lose our spy, can we?" Vijaya laughed, "and hurry up with that girl, ruin her."
"There's something else I've learned," I said, "there's a family, they're a bit of an outcast... they have Sky people blood in them, their daughter is returning with the others.. I think she could be persuaded to our side."
"Explain," Vijaya said sternly, "I don't have all night."
"She's bullied, quite a lot, and she's cozy with the chief's oldest son," I said, "she could be persuaded by Varang, not me, I don't want to blow my cover but Varang is very persuasive.. she can get the girl on our side and we would have a spy inside the Olo'eyktan's family."
"I'll deliver that idea to Varang," she said, "what's the girl's name?"


Aonung's pov:

"Are you sure you want to take the children?" Miyara asked me as she helped me with my war paint, her gentle fingers tracing the paint over my body, "Kaoru has just fully healed from his wounds."
"He'll be fine, Miya," I said softly as I saw my oldest three kids help each other with their war paint and weapons, laughing as they did so.
"It's dangerous, Ma'Nung," she whispered softly, "they're still kids."
"We weren't much older when we fought the Sky people," I said as her bright eyes shot up from the war paint and locked with my blue eyes, "you were Araoukai's age when you took that bullet for Neteyam, and you barely had any warrior training because your dad forbade you from having it."
"I was already training when that happened," she spoke and grunted irritated, knowing that she just misspoke herself.
"Araou, Asha and Kao have more training than you had at that age," I said as I cupped my wife's face and leaned in a little closer, "they'll be great warriors one day."
"I should come with you," she said and I shook my head.
"You need to stay here and look after Rotxo, you know he could still die if nobody's looking after him," I said and she rolled her eyes, knowing that I was right, "it's okay to be worried for our kids, but they'll be great."
"Asha and Kaoru don't even ride Skimwing's yet," Miyara blurted out, getting irritated that she wasn't getting her way depending on our kids. I understood her worry, I was worried too, it's normal as a parent to be worried for your children but I knew they'd be amazing.
"Which is why Asha will be with Araoukai and Kaoru with me," I said, "they'll be shooting from behind us."
"Fine," Miyara sighed as she crossed her arms and looked at our kids, "you know, sometimes I think I would've turned out like Asherah if I learned to fight when I was young. I always wanted to."
"I know," I said, "I think you would've, but if you did, what'd you need me for?"
"Oh, are you saying I can't take care of myself?" She chuckled and I smirked at her.
"I mean, you did need a lot of rescuing," I shrugged as she playfully slapped my bicep, "you were a handful, just ask Neteyam when he's back here, I'm sure he'll agree."
"I saved his ass," she said and I snorted.
"And who had to carry you to my mother so you wouldn't bleed to death?" I asked and she scoffed at me, "that's right, I did."
"You can keep on whining," Miyara said, "but Asherah will be a better warrior than you."
"I'm sure she will," I said, "she won't ever need a man for protection."
"I don't need a man for protection," Miyara said and smirked, "but you do need me to patch you up when you come back home, wounded."
"Ahh, you throw that in my face?" I laughed as I grabbed her arms and pulled her to me, "get over here, you!"
She chuckled and for a brief moment I felt like we were seventeen again, going to remote places to be together, flirting with each other and sneaking in kisses.
Despite the age lines she was getting, the tattoos she earned and the fact that she looked more mature and older, she was still just as beautiful as ever. I still looked at Miyara like she was the most beautiful woman in the world, because to me: she'd always be the most beautiful. Well, despite our daughter's, they had earned their mother's beauty.
I brushed my thumb along her cheek as I slowly leaned in to kiss my lovely wife. The exploding feeling I had in my chest when I first kissed her back in the old days never left, I'd never grow tired of kissing her. She was the other half of me, without her I'd be utterly lost.
"Gross!" Kaoru shouted, "you're almost making me vomit!"
I pulled away from Miyara and let out a breathy laugh when Kaoru was making vomit noises, it was followed by a wholehearted chuckle from Miyara.
"You'll be doing that too one day, my son," Miyara spoke and she pecked one last kiss on my lips before walking over to Araoukai, Asherah and Kaoru. She wrapped her arms around them and pulled them in for a tight hug.
"Family hug!" Zaniyah shouted as she quite literally jumped into the hug, forcing Kaoru to catch her with one arm otherwise she would fall back to the ground.
Just looking at them made my heart swell, I could look at my family for an eternity.
"Come, daddy," Na'aila said as she grabbed onto my hand and began to drag me to the hug, "we belong there too!"
"You're right, Aila!" I chuckled as I pulled Na'aila up onto my shoulder, making her yelp as I did so. I let her slide down onto my right arm as we joined the hug.
On one side I had Asherah and on the otherwise was Kaoru with Zaniyah on his right arm, across from me were Miyara and Araoukai. I smiled and kissed them all on the top of their head, making a smile grow upon their faces.
"I'm so proud of you all," I said and smirked as I mainly looked at my older three kids now, "are you ready for this battle?"
"Fuck yeah!" Kaoru shouted, followed by a gentle slap on the back of his head from Miyara.
"Language!" She sneered at him through gritted teeth, I however had to hold in my laughter. I understood Kaoru's enthusiasm, he had been locked up in his room for weeks to heal from his burn wounds.
"Fuck yeah!" Zaniyah immediately repeated, "FUCK YEAH, MOMMY!"
"NO-" Miyara said.
I simply chuckled at it, which made Miyara annoyed because that meant that I supported Zaniyah swearing.

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