Chapter 12

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Lizzy's POV

Today's day went well without a hunch even though the weather was gloomy, it looks like it will be raining anytime soon I love the rain but not much since I got kicked out. I can't enjoy it much when I got so much to worry about and can't get lot of things done when it is raining, I got 15 minutes left of my shift we are cleaning up so that we can close early since most of people are tucked into their houses.

I started my car and drove off to the park thinking about life and how hard it was knocking me down, god knows how much I wanted to give up all the dreams I have for myself but I can't because I'm not a quitter. I believe I'll get what I want in life as long as I breath, it started raining already it is a good thing tomorrow is saturday so I don't have much planned other than going to work.

I glance at the window and see a girl walking getting soaked from the rain, I wonder if I should give het a ride but then again what if I don't have the petrol to where she is going, as I decide whether or not to drive away I look outside to get a better view of the girl.

Oh well my luck, it is that girl from the other day. I stop the car lowering my window

"Hey! Do you want a ride?" I asked nervously

She turned around then saw me me, "Why do want to kidnap me?, I don't trust strangers" .

My heart took a hit, ha! be nice  sometimes they say.

"Yes I want to kidnap your walking cold ass body, get in the car before I make you and kidnap you for real" I said

"Why? What if I want to get flu and sleep for a week" she said

I got out of the car and went to her, rain soaking me.

"Ya! Are you crazy?" She asked watching me like I got two heads "You will get flu" she said

I dragged her into my car, "So what I get cold, is it for rich people?" I asked her turning the heater on grabbed a towel from the back sit gave it to her "It's clean" I said

"What?" She said shocked and glance at the back sit, wiping her face "Do you live in your car or what?" She asked

"How is that your business" I snapped

"Hey! Chill out alright you are the one who kidnapped me into your car, anyway sorry for asking" she said

"So where do you live?" I asked she told me I put in the direction and start driving, we drive in silence to her place

When I get close I turn to her and asked

"What's your name?" Looking at her

"Ah so you kidnapped me without even knowing my name, what if I was a serial killer huh?" She asked with a smirk

I stopped outside her place "Oh so now you are confessing your killer ways? And beside which movie did you see a kidnapper asking for a name before kidnapping someone? Do they say "Ohh Alice nice name and grab her?" Because why kidnap someone whose name you don't know, right?'' I said

She snorted "God you are such a smartass huh?, anyway my name is Kaliegh" she said

"Wow thank you for the effort that was hard hey? Oh man congratulations" I said smiling mhm what a nice name unusual name

"Well?" She asked

"Well what? I asked back

"Are you going to tell me your name too or what? She asked

"Hey now kidnappers don't tell their names, why do want to report me to the police?" I asked smirking

"Ya! I don't need to call the police I'll beat your ass up if you try to kidnap me, your noodles arms can't even lift me up" she said smirking back

"You wound me Kaliegh" I said pouting "My name is Lizzy"

"Lizzy huh? Alright then Lizzy thank you for the ride, if you want you can come in" she said

"No problem but thanks I will pass I have to get going anyway" I said

"If you are sure, see you around" she smiled then got out running to her building 

I smiled too and left, well that went better than I thought my petrol is not happy though but it's whatever now.

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