19: Clues!

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It was around 5-10 minutes later before Ana could walk into the room again. When Ana came in Lesso's makeup and hair was fixed and Dovey had conjured up some magic to cover the monstrosity of hickies and bites Lesso had created. Lesso was positioned at one side of the desk and Dovey the other, yet she more stood behind the side of the table. It was silent for a very long time as Dovey attempted to make all the excuses in the book, as Lesso giggled at her. It was very amusing to watch till Lesso threatened her. If she told anyone she would be dead basically, yet how could she not tell anyone.

This is gonna be one hell of a secret to keep Ana thought. Yet when Ana asked or teased either of them about what had just occurred it was deemed as inappropriate. Ana would say threatening your students is inappropriate, yet she did not say that. A night in the doom room didn't seem to entice Ana.

"Ok can we move on now," Dovey snapped in response to Ana bringing Lesso and her up again. "Please,"

"That would be preferred. Now Ana, why are you even here?" Lesso said snapping back to Ana as her fingers tightened around her walking stick. Although Lesso had enjoyed her partner trying uselessly to explain her way out of this, Lesso was still really pissed off. I mean, I would be.

"That ghost, spirit thing that I told you about. It appeared again. Instead it talked to me, healed my burns. Look," Ana said before she revealed her forearms to show the fully healed scarring under the tattered and charred uniform.

"That doesn't seem like a reason to be breaking into my office," Lesso said through her teeth as  her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose and trying to keep her cool.

"Oh no! I would not have come all the way up here for that," She said before she started to explain. "Then the spirit switched emotions very quickly. At first it was nice then it changed. It was angry. It started to run after me and appeared everywhere I looked. I ran from it but it followed. It seemed to think I was Sophie. It kept repeating it, over and over. Then it thought I had done something to her. That is when it started following me. As I got closer to-" it was then Lesso interjected

"It, It thought you were Sophie?" Lesso asked with confusion and worry. She looked at Dovey who shared the same look.

"Yes, is that bad?" Ana asked scared now that she had attracted some evil demonic thing.

"Possibly," Dovey muttered as her mind was lost in thought. You could see her mind playing out every out come.

"Don't worry Anastasia. Professor Dovey and I will sort this out for you," Lady Lesso announced as if she already had a solution. She did not. She used a fake smile and a happy tone of voice to reassure Ana with empty promises.

"Thank you so much! The thing is really scaring me," Ana responded as Lesso led her out of the room. Lesso gently pushed her towards the door with a hand on the small of her back. She pretended to have sympathy for the girl, even fooled Dovey for a second.

"Don't worry. You got back to your dorm and we will fix it. Try to forget about it," Lesso proclaimed as Ana headed out of the door as Lesso shut it. Her face immediately dropped as the door slammed. "I swear I don't know why I took this job. I hate children so much. Anyway how she is gone-"

"That poor girl. That spirit has been terrorising her," Dovey replied actually feeling bad for the girl as Lesso walked towards her. "What if she is really in trouble? It would explain the letters!"

"Letters from a man who had been proclaimed dead twice," Lesso laughed placing her walking stick against the desk "It's a fraud. Rafal couldn't have written them letters. Sophie and Agatha killed him last year, remember?"

"No I was a living doll for a night. I still have really bad joint problems from that. I do not know about you," Dovey said "This corset is not helping,"

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