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Net came home and saw James on the kitchen floor

"James" Net ran to him "Why are you trying to go alone?"

"Because the mothers are asleep and I'm thirsty"

Net helped him to get up and took him back to the room

He checked his leg

"Ouch" James said as Net tried to move his leg a little

"You burdened her too much, you should have rested"

"I couldn't" James looked at him "mothers aren't always at home and yesterday you weren't home either,you left me alone I couldn't not move all day"

Net looked at him ,he completely forgot yesterday that he left James alone after he said he would take care of him

"I'm sorry" he apologized

James frowned and turned his head

"I will now really take care of you until your leg heals" Net told him

"do you promise?"

"promise" net smile

James smiled back and held out his arms for a hug

Net hugged him


Gemini and Fourth went through the books of all the names of the people in the kingdom

They started in the morning and finished in the evening

They found 30 people named Joong and wrote down their addresses

"Tomorrow we will go and move between the houses" Gemini said

"only the two of us?"  Fourth asked

"who else?"


"He didn't come back to the palace so I don't know"

"It's dangerous to go just the two of us"

"You saw Dunk, he looks in danger too"

"Okay, but you should at least take some guards"


They gathered some guards and sent a letter to Net that they were going to look for Dunk tomorrow

"We should go to bed tomorrow will be a long day" Fourth told Gemini

They got ready for bed

"Do you think he's okay?"  Gemini asked Fourth before they went to sleep "He looked like he was dying"

"I don't know about the others, but the one we saw close to him seemed to really care for him, it didn't seem like he would have let him die"

"But it is not only under his control"

"You heard Net, they're bringing him something...if they would stop bringing him that, everything will be fine, and according to what I've seen and my ability to read people, he's not going to keep bringing him that thing"

"I trust what you say" Gemini smiled at Fourth

Gemini hugged Fourth and they went to sleep

the kingdom (JoongDunk PondPhuwin GeminiFourth NetJames)Where stories live. Discover now