searching the kidnapped prince

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Net woke up and saw that everyone was passed out around him

He got up quickly and checked the carriage

When he saw that Dunk was not there he got panicked

He woke up the other guards and they returned to the kingdom

Max, who was looking over the kingdom from the balcony, saw the carriage coming back and quickly went downstairs

Net got out of the carriage and moved towards Max
When he reached him he knelt down

"Where's Dunk?"  Max asked

"your Highness" Net lowered his head to the floor

"where is he?"  Max raised his voice

Tul also came and put a hand on Max's shoulder

"He was kidnapped" Net remained with his head on the floor

"what?!"  Max yelled "How?!"

"The Nemesis Gang"

"I will find them and kill them" Max hissed

Net told Max everything that happened

"Go look for him" Max announced "but quietly so the kingdom won't know what happened"

Net gathered the guards and they went to look for Dunk


Max and Tul went to Gemini's room to tell him what happened

They found him and Fourth playing cards

"Hey Gemini" they knocked on the door

"Hey dad, what are you doing here?"  Gemini suspected

Max and Tul sat down on the bed next to Gemini and motioned Fourth to leave

"No, I want him to stay," Gemini said

"Ok" Max confirmed and Fourth remained

"About Dank telling you he was going to Kimon's kingdom"

"What about this...?" Gemini didn't understand

"So he didn't reach Kimon's kingdom"

"So where is he?"

"The Nemesis gang kidnapped him, we're trying to find out where he is now"

"What" Gemini shouted "but but is he okay??"

"We don't know, but it seems to us that the gang usually does no harm"

"And she usually doesn't take people either"

"Yeah right"

Tears began to fall from Gemini's eyes
Max hugged Gemini and Tul joined in the hug
"I...I want to be alone" Gemini asked

"Ok son" Max caressed Gemini's hair, got up and left Tul came with him

Fourth moved towards the exit

"Not you, you stay" Gemini told Fourth

Fourth turned to Gemini came closer and hugged him

"Everything will be fine, he's fine" Fourth comforted and caressed Gemini

Gemini cried and after some time he fell asleep


"Hey Net" James saw Net on the street

"Hey James what are you doing here now? It's getting late" Net asked James

"what are you doing here?"

"There is some problem in the palace"

Net and James' mothers were best friends so after their husbands died they decided to move in together and of course Net and James moved in with them

"What problem?"

"James you know I can't talk about it"

"Yes I know" James looked disappointed

"Are you looking for someone?"

"how do you know?!"  Net panicked

"Calm down, calm down, I guessed it according to all the people, it's pretty obvious"

"Oh shit, we made it too clear"

"So can you tell me who?"

"No James I'm sorry" Net approached James and checked that the guards weren't really close to them "Not here"

Net stays close

"So at home?"  James whispered back


"See you at home" James hugged Net

James advanced to the house and waited for Net to return, he waited an hour, two hours three and four but Net did not return

James went to bed angry

Net came back an hour later entered the room and saw that James was sleeping he went up to him and moved the hair from his forehead

"Good night" Net gave him a kiss on the forehead

"Good night" James murmured sleepily


Is it more convenient to read that there are spaces between the sentences or is everything tight? Or does it not matter at all?

the kingdom (JoongDunk PondPhuwin GeminiFourth NetJames)Where stories live. Discover now