"Hey, no, don't hide." His hands reached out to tug hers away from her face as she chewed on her bottom lip. "Talk about what you like, you're cute when you're excited." Those words brought a panicked chirp from her as she tried to hide again, but he held her hands and refused to let her hide her blushing face.

"Y..You can't just s..say things like that!"

His head tilted to the side, leaning in towards her, his hands engulfing her much smaller ones. "Why not?" An actual whine left her lips as he looked at her like that and it wasn't fair, not at all. This man had her simping in the middle of a restaurant, in front of her kids. Her kids.

Not a second later, she straightened herself up, tugging her hands free and folding them in her lap as she glanced over to both of her kids. Neither were really paying any attention to the pair of adults, content with their coloring now that their food was gone. Clearing her throat, she quickly shoved everything she was feeling down before looking at him again.

"Hyunjin, I..I'm sorry if I wasn't more up front with this but.." She took a deep breath, struggling with the words much more than she thought she would. "I have a mate. I..I can't..." Surprisingly, she couldn't finish the sentence, but her meaning was clear. She was already mated, had a family, she couldn't just drop everything because she found her soulmate.

"I wouldn't ask for something you weren't ready for, and I understand. Can I ask something though?" Y/N was surprised he was so calm about the whole situation. Curious what it was he wanted to ask, she simply nodded but she wasn't ready for his question at all.

"Can I have your number?"

This time, she was the one to tilt her head to the side, staring at him, both surprised and confused. She had just told him she couldn't be with him, unless he didn't understand that's what she meant? A chuckle shook the man's shoulders, amused by her reaction. "The way I see it, we are still connected." He held his pinky up as if to prove his point. Even if it isn't in the traditional romantic soulmates fashion, I would still like to get to know you. We can at least be friends, yes?"

He had a point there. They didn't necessarily need to have a romantic relationship. At the same time though, her mate wasn't happy with her having male friends either, having already driven off the only friends she had previously who just happened to be male. Still, it would be different with Hyunjin. After all, he wouldn't be in town for long so the majority of their friendship would be online or over text. Taking a moment to think it over before inevitably deciding it would be alright, she finally nodded. They exchanged phones, entering their numbers into each other's phones before handing them back.

Staring down at her phone and the new contact listed as 'Hyune', she didn't even notice as his own rang and he quickly answered, speaking Korean and rushing the caller back off the phone. Once he ended the call and spoke up, she finally looked back up from her phone. "Sorry, it seems my ride is here. Can I message you before the show though?" A soft smile curled her lips as she nodded. "Yes, that should be fine. I'll actually be at the show later too."

He lit up at that news. "I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you then." Her fingers found the hem of her shirt, twisting it and running it through her fingers in a nervous tic. Standing from the table, she got both kids ready to leave as well, the four of them heading towards the door. Y/N was the first one to it, turning her head to say something to her, possibly platonic, soulmate as she reached her hand out to push open the door. It wasn't the door she felt beneath her fingertips though and it was sturdy, not budging an inch when she pushed on it. Her head snapped forward, staring down at her hand resting on the abdomen of a man. Not just any man, as she soon realized, but fucking Lee Minho! What was up with her and these idols? They just keep popping up!

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