Here Comes The Rain Again

Start from the beginning

"Renee, I know you are just looking out for me, thank you, but I don't have any concrete plans at the moment. I'm just taking things as they come and trying not to get my hopes up about anything or, anyone." Teddy sighed after she spoke.

"I know we've talked about all this before Teddy, but if I'm being honest, I don't like you with Becca. Sorry Arizona and Callie if I offended you by saying that, but while Becca may be a terrific friend to you guys, she sucks as a person for Teddy to date."

Callie beat me to saying, "No offense taken Renee, because Arizona and I feel the same way about how Becca has been treating Teddy. While we care for Becca, we don't think she has been giving Teddy the respect she deserves, regardless of her reasons."

I felt the need to add my two cents and said, "In other words Teddy, take care of yourself and don't worry about what anyone else thinks, especially Callie or myself. We agree with Renee and just want you to be happy and treated with love and respect." I patted Teddy on her back from my vantage point after I talked.

"Thanks ladies for saying all those things. For being a firing squad, I appreciate your gentle touch and for not executing me for my choices, however, questionable they've been at times."

We all laughed at Teddy's humor and stood up to give her a group hug at the same time Ari walked in the kitchen.

"I'm convinced that I always seem to miss out on the fun moments around here... is everything okay?"

"Yes Ari, everyone and everything is fine. We were just chatting about Becca and Teddy. Where's Chip and Sophia?" Callie smiled at her sister as she responded.

"We finished looking at all the new pictures, so Sophia wanted to show Chip the Lego Jeep she built with The Colonel." Ari's voice suddenly got quieter when she said, "And, I don't know Chip that well, but what a nice guy he is! I'm surprised he doesn't have any children because it seems like he's been around kids his whole life with how good he is with Soph."

I couldn't help myself, but smiled as I realized everyone else in the room was impressed with what Ari had said about Chip. Callie and I already noticed the same thing during one of our family dinners.

"Arizona and I appreciated that too as Sophia talked Chip's ear off at Arizona's parent's house, a few weeks back. He just let her jabber away and chatted with her for a good two hours. He seems to be very patient and kind, but also had a genuine interest in what she had to say. Which, as her parent, is sometimes even hard for me to do when she won't stop talking."

I giggled at Callie while the others did too and knew what she meant. Sometimes when Soph goes off on tangents, they inevitably lead you down a rabbit hole of verbal confusion. Without meaning to, there have been times I'm guilty of pretending to listen, but not deeply listening to what she's actually saying.

Within a few seconds, we heard Sophia's thundering footsteps coming down the hall as she said, "Chip! There are lots more desserts in the kitchen, come join me!"

A few seconds later Sophia came charging in, with Chip quietly walking just behind, in our daughter's noisy wake.

"Moms? Can I have another dessert? Pleeeaaassseeee?" Soph was already bouncing up and down on her heels from her last dose of sugar. 

Callie and I had a silent exchange of words when Callie said, "Yes, Sophia, you may. But, no more desserts today after this round, okay?"

"Okay Mom, I understand." Callie proceeded to help Sophia dish her dessert as I made coffee for my parents and whomever else wanted some.

"Moms? Can I eat my dessert in front of the TV? I want to show Renee and Aunt Ari my video from softball this year."

It was a video of still pictures and videos that one of the Moms had compiled from all the submissions she'd received from other parents. Bless that Mom's heart for finding the time to put it all together, however, it was a video we'd now seen a million and one times since the season ended in late August. 

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now