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Persuse stands there before Odysseus shaking with consiled rage" In all my years of living ,it isn't very offen that I get pissed off "
He says ".I usually chill with the waves but dam you've crossed the line".

As he stands there, his rage roses with the waves that were completly still , a group of local niads watch with amusement, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction and a hunger for vengeance for their lord. "Iv been so gracious,and yet you hurt the brother of mine".
The group of niads giggle and nod in agreement, their eyes still fixed on Odysseus. "It seems you have provoked our lord," one of them says, "we will not interfere,it is to late ."
Odysseus pales
at the words, his fists clenching at his sides. He takes a step forward, his eyes narrowing as he looks at the group of niads.But he floaters at the glare purses gives him.
"that's right the cyclope you made blind was mine! " Persuse yelled
"No" Odysseus whispers to him self as he tries to speak to explain, the niads begin to back away slowly, their eyes still fixed on him. Their lord will handle IT.
" I'm left without a choice and with a doubt" persuse laughs and smiles sharply" guess the pack of wolves is swimming with the shark now "
As Persuse stands there, his laughter echoes through the waves, Odysseus can feel the weight of his rage and frustration bearing down on him. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down but purcy is still speaking." I've got to make you bleed ,I need to see you drown but before you go " Odysseus pales more "I need to make you learn how "
Persuse continues, his eyes glimmering with a sinister light."Ruthlessness,is mercy upon ourselves ."the naids nod and say " ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves"
As they chant Persuse drawd out Riptide and continues taking a step out of the sea towards Odysseus, Odysseus feels a surge of fear and anger rising within him. He takes a step forward, his fists clenched as he prepares to strike.
Persuse just smiles cruelly, eyes dark .
As he gets closer, Odysseus can feel the heat of the sun on his skin and the salty spray of the ocean on his face.
Perseus sneered at him ." You are the worst kind of good ,cause you're not even great .A Greek who reeks of false righteousness.Thats what I hate!" Perseus is not got Riptide at Odysseus's throat " Cause you fight to save lives, I won't kill and get the job done ."Perseus takes a step back "I mean you totally would have a voided all this ,had you just killed my brother " purseus rolls his eyes "but no"
As he speaks, Persus continues to roll his eyes and shake his head. He takes another step back, his eyes still fixed on Odysseus.
Perseus repoints his sword at Odysseus and says in a kinder voice ," you are far too nice mercy has a price."Perseus resteels himself " it's the final crack about to break the ice .now you reveal your name and you let him live ." Eyes dark "Unlike you I've got no mercy left to give cause?" Perseus looks at Odysseus expectedly "ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves? " Odysseus questions, purseus nods and repeats " ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves!"
As Perseus nods, Odysseus can feel the weight of his anger and frustration slowly dissipating. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "And now it's time to say, you die." Perseus goes quite then he says " unless,of course,you apologize.For my brothers pain and all his cries..."
Odysseus looks at Perseus with a mix of anger and resignation, his fists still clenched at his sides. He takes a step back, his eyes still fixed on Perseus. "Fine."
He mumbled. " Perseus,we meant no harm" Percy scoffs Odysseus continues " we only hurt him to disarm him, we took no pleasure in his pain .we only wanted to escape." Perseus looks at Odysseus's eyes but Odysseus carries on" The line between naivete and hopelessness is almost invisible ,so close your heart the world is dark and ruthlessness is mercy-"
As Perseus charges towards Odysseus with his sword raised, Odysseus takes a deep breath and prepares to fight.
"Captain?" "Captain." "Captain!"
Odysseus and Perseus looks over at the men tuning to them . Perseus sighs," what have you done? " What?" "When does a ripple become a tidal wave? - forty three men under your command- when does man become a monster ??" Odysseus is about to answer but stops when Perseus starts talking again with a glare.
"I am your darkest moments,the monster that always draws near." Peseus commands the waves,bringing up Riptide." Any last words??"
Odysseus's voice is firm as he speaks to Perseus.
"all I gotta do is open this bag"
As he speaks, Perseus's eyes widen in surprise and he takes a step back. "What?" He questioned .
Odysseus smirked " remember me"
____________________________________notes : next chapter is Annabeth's " warrior of the mind" have a good day /night /afternoon/morning
Gods my eyes hurt from all this typing ( 14th chapter in 2 days )
Edit : critasim and spelling corrections are welcom :)

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