Chapter 2.

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Anni-Frid wiped her eyes and stepped out of the car. She was hit with the oh so familiar pain in her stomach. She gently rubbed her belly and groaned. She really needed to figure out what was going on. "Lotta?" Frida called as she opened the front door.

She received no response.


Still no response.

"Lise-Lotte!" Frida called as she began to worry.

Still nothing.

She quickly climbed the stairs and headed for her daughters room. The door was closed. The worried mother knocked but still heard nothing. She opened the door and sighed in relief. Lotta was laying on her bed listing to music from her turntable. She was listening to 'Landslide' by Fleetwood Mac. Lotta loves Fleetwood Mac. Frida walked over to the turntable and shut it off.

Lotta didn't say anything, she just stared at her mother. "Lise-Lotte, can we talk?" Frida asked and sat down on her bed. "There isn't anything to talk about. I know how you feel about me" Lotta whispered and looked away. Anni-Frid's heart ripped in two.

"If you don't want me to talk that's fine. But I will listen to you" Frida said and brushed hair from Lotta's face and she turned to face her mother.

"You left me. You left me with a man who didn't care about me. He blamed me for you leaving us. Dad never hit me but he didn't take care of me like he should've. Why do you think I begged to be with you? I don't think he wanted a daughter. Hans had everything when we lived with him but I couldn't even get him to brush my hair. When I was little you felt like a dream, you seemed familiar on television but I knew nothing about you. You looked like my home but I just couldn't reach you. I only saw you twice a month if I was lucky, and even then you didn't stay long. I must've done something to make you feel the way you do about me" Lotta said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

What Frida heard broke whatever was left of her heart. "If I could go back I would change everything" Frida whispered and wiped the tears from her daughters face. "I hate myself for leaving you and your brother. He had more time with me than you did. You weren't even two, you were still a baby. Your father didn't give me a choice. He didn't support my love for singing, he wanted me to be a housewife. He told me I either pick singing or pick my babies. I was young and stupid and I made the wrong decision. I do love you Lise-Lotte, I love you more than you'll ever know. You don't have to forgive me either. What I did is unforgivable".

Frida stood up and walked to the door.

"Momma wait".

Anni-Frid turned around to face her little girl.

"Don't leave, please stay" Lotta said and made room in her bed.

Frida walked back over and laid next to the young girl. "I never hated you momma" Lotta said and hugged her momma's middle. Frida winced and grabbed the bedsheets.

Lotta quickly let go and moved away from her. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you". She started to cry at the thought of hurting her momma.

"No it's ok, you didn't mean to. I'm sorry I kept pushing you away earlier. You just wanted a hug. I've not felt well since Australia" Frida sighed.

"Your belly hurts?".

"Yes, among other things".

Lotta went and laid next to her momma again. She lifted her shirt over her belly and gasped. "Momma your belly is swollen". "I know and it hurts so bad. This is the worst stomach bug I've ever had".

Lise-Lotte gently laid her warm hand on her mommas belly and rubbed soft patterns. It didn't take long for Frida to fall asleep. Lotta gently lowered her momma's shirt back down and covered her with a blanket. "I hope you feel better".

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