"What... the actual...f-" A boom tube opened before she finished and Victor appeared.


"Lily! How are you-?"

"Ask questions later, help me get this thing off Violet!"

Victor aimed his sonic canon and told Lily to step back.

"Don't miss." He took a deep and fired, blasting the thing of her face.

"Violet!" Lily rushed to her side, Violet groaned and got up.

"What-what's happening?" She rushed over to the edge and saw Brion and all the others just standing their, like soldiers awaiting orders, the non meta humans among them collapsing do the effect Granny said prior.

"Violet, we have to help them." Lily said.

"I have to heal them."

"Violet wait! I know you want to fix this but-"

"Yes, I remember, I've been re polarized, if I simply act on my instinct, I'll continue to enslave everyone the anti-life equation, but we can't leave any of them like this, and I believe there is a way." Violet looked over to Lily and her face became a determined one.

Granny was starting to regain consciousness.

"You better find it soon." Victor said.

Violet extended her hands out to Lily and she took them, the two closed their eyes in concentration, both of their auras combining and merging into a singular, mesmerizing rainbow aura.

"Rainbow power... cool." Victor said.

"You help the others, I'll turn off the machine." Lily said, summoning a vine and swinging towards it.

Lily wasn't sure what she was planing was going to work, but she had to try, Granny said that represents life and free will, so with the help of Violets power, hers may be the key to stop the anti-life equation from spreading.

She finally managed reached the center of the, but it was struggle even with her protective rainbow aura, the ghost dimension's effect were very intense.

She placed herself at the very heart of the machine and tried to focused on every happy memory, every good feeling, any time that would make anyone feel joy filled, hopeful and free, the opposite of anti-life.

The machine roared and buzzed with protest and she swore the ghost dimension effects intensified, it felt like every part of her body was on fire.

No. no it has to work, it's got to, so why isn't it?

"Please... mom... help me..."

Wait, mom?

A bound of memories came flooding back to her.

Helping Julieta in the bakery, braiding each others and Julieta smiling every time Lily grew flowers for her.

This allowed Lily to focus on other memories, Bruce kissing her scrapes and cuts, baking cookies with Alfred, tea parties with Ace, balancing on ropes with Dick, beating Tim at chess for the 50th time in a row, pulling pranks with Jason, motorcycle rides with Conner, exploring the sea with Kaldur, Artur and Travis, Shoulder rides with Wally,Uncle Flash and Impulse, Artemis teaching her archery, pony rides with Beast Boy.

Flying with Uncle Clark, Sparring with Black Canary and wonder, using Plastic Man as a large bouncy castle, seeing space with Bio-ship, having the whole league and team watching her blow out her candles of her massive birthday cake.

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