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{Helping out a friend}

"Ok, they're down, you won, let's go." Jaime said, referring to the now knocked out Batgirl and Impulse.

"I think not." He heard the ambassador's voice over the com. "As this street is currently deserted, we must cease the opportunity. Scarab, kill them both." He ordered. 

Blue Beetle's hands turned into massive, war blades, they scraped the floor as he walked.

"Scarab! You don't have to do this!"

"But he does, and so do you, in fact, it would be a good lesson for you to helplessly observe your own body murder your former friends. The first kills are always the hardest my boy, might as well get them over with."

"Scarab please! We fought side by side with these guys, do something!" Jaime begged.

"I must do as desired parameters dictate." Before Scarab could strike we was bury under a big pile of petals.

"Rocket now!"

"Lily?"Jaime recognised that voice.

Beetle shook off the annoyingly colorful petals started hitting the force bubble, but to no avail.

"Ecrofnier S'tekcor elbbub htiw ym skcigam!" Zatanna casted a spell before he could use his sonic blaster, the sound waves bounced straight off.

"I reinforced Rocket's force bubble with my magicks, Blue's not going anywhere." Z said with Rocket floating above her and Lily standing next to her. "Eerf lrigtab dna eslupmi!"

With another spell, the restraints holding Batgirl and Impulse dissolved and the fell to the floor.

"Ha! Don't you get it extraterrestre? Impulse and Batgirl were decoys, a distraction from Rocket, Zatanna and Lily's real attack, guess some first kills are harder than others." Jaime mocked, the ambassador scowled.

"Scarab! Proceed with counter measures!" He ordered.

"There are no known counter measures against this specific combination of magic and cooperative technology." The scarab replied.

"This goes well." The Scientists besides the ambassador commented, his scowl deepened.

They were all now riding Sphere with Lily sitting on top of the bubble, heading to their next part of their rescue plan to be carried out.

"Enjoy your advantage while you can. The Reach tracked my every move. And when we're through with you, there won't be enough left for a DNA identification." The ambassador spoke through the scarab, none of them gave a response.

"Nice death threat. Could it get any more technical and dull" Jaime remarked.

"Tell me our destination and I'll make your deaths painless." Again, no response form any of them, well, except...

"That's the best you've got? Those don't even make the top 10 of death threats." Lily remarked.

"Silence whelp!"
Lily flinched slightly, then looked off to the side.

"I'm sorry Lily!" Jaime said, unable to voice his regret.

"Don't listen to him hun, that's not Jaime talking." Rocket assured.

"Oh I know." Lily regained her smile and put her face straight up to the bubble. "But whoever is talking, you best hope we never meet, because I will personally shove a cactus straight into your-"

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