[Special Chapter] 1. - A Primal Dragon & A Kitsune.

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?: "My name is Iyka - and my family name is Licious."

She stated, introducing herself at last.
Arabor looked at her and nodded lightly, showing that he acknowledged her name.

"I see.. well, I am pleased to meet you Iyka Licious."

Arabor said before placing one of his arms on his chest. (Consider this a sign of showing respect)

The girl looked at him surprised before sighing.

Iyka: "So then... Lo... Arabor, may I know who this 'Faofa' you spoke of earlier is?"

She asked, before sharpening her gaze a bit.

Iyka: "Are they someone evil?"

Arabor shook his head lightly.

"Of course not!... Atleast, I don't think so... Well he was a defenseless serpent at first, however look at him now! Took down a Superior Kitsune with ease."

Arabor stated, laughing lightly to himself before looking at her more seriously.
It even seemed like he was trying to intimidate her a bit.

"..Or that's what I would say if you were actually dead. But you're not - are you?"

He asked.
Iyka let out a gasp before shedding a slight sweat.

"I mean- it's kind of hard to imagine a spiritual being such as a Kitsune dying, you understand?"

Arabor explained a bit before sighing.
Iyka clenched her hands into fists before sighing.

Iyka: "Well... I suppose I'm not technically dead.."

She confirmed before scratching her cheek a bit.

Iyka: "I mean.. a spiritual being like myself can't exactly be killed..."

She finished before sighing.
Arabor let out a small laugh before lowering himself a bit to meet her eye level.

"So then.. why did you pretend to be killed by Faofa? As far as I understand - Kitsunes are very proud beings who wouldn't ever use dirty tricks to escape a fight."

He asked.
Back during the fight between them both, Iyka had devised two plans which she'd execute depending on how the battle went.

If she was to start losing, she'd simply flee.

And the second was - if Faofa managed to damage her greatly, she'd pretend like she died - mostly by making up that whole thing about Kitsunes not being able to survive without Spiritual Energy.

The extent of the second plan was to fake her death and then have her body rebuild itself somewhere safe and far, so Faofa wouldn't know.

However... Somehow, her whole spirit was absorbed by something.

Iyka: "I intended to rebuild my body somewhere safe, but I was suddenly absorbed or something by something.."

She stated before sighing.
Arabor thought for a moment after hearing her statement before laughing lightly and extending his wings wide open, which created for one hell of a scene. Iyka looked at him confused.

Iyka: "....Arabor..?"

"I believe I understand what may have happened with you."

Arabor stated before looking at her.

"Faofa used his Individual skill [Devourer] on you, although, most likely by mistake."

He stated.
Iyka could feel her expression turn to confusion and her jaw practically hit the ground.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt